Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter that the chicken in the school must not be eaten. Although the chicken passed the test, it was definitely not edible because the chickens were so fat. The cycle lasts up to three months. How could it grow so quickly without a lot of hormones? The chickens my family eats are all raised in the mountains... Yes, not every household can eat chickens raised in the mountains nowadays, especially In large and small restaurants, people are even less likely to eat delicious local chicken. In addition to chicken, there are also meat, fish, and various vegetables and fruits. Who can guarantee that what you eat, drink, and use every day is safe and reassuring? The official obviously appreciated the Hong Kong government's approach, saying that all pork supplied to Hong Kong must undergo strict testing. Once banned drugs are found, the qualification to supply Hong Kong will be cancelled. The Hong Kong government attaches great importance to source testing and does not inform the mainland in advance for sampling and testing, so the food supplied to Hong Kong is relatively safe. He said that a large enterprise in the mainland with an annual output of 600 million pigs can only sell pigs in the country. Pigs cannot enter Hong Kong. With a naive look on my face, I asked the government why it didn't learn from the Hong Kong government and really make up its mind to solve the food crisis that makes people often worry and panic. The official admitted frankly that it couldn't be done, saying that if the mainland fully adopts the testing standards for Hong Kong, pig raising companies will If it goes bankrupt, the price of pork will at least double, because domestic farmers use more than 30 kinds of additives, most of which are drugs banned by the Hong Kong government. If these banned drugs are not used, the growth cycle will be greatly shortened. If it is extended, pig-raising enterprises will become unprofitable. From the official’s conversation, I learned that the official is well aware of the problems in food safety and knows how to solve them, but they just don’t want to do them. These officials do not live in a paradise. Although they can enjoy special supplies of certain products, after all, they also have families, and when they go out to restaurants, they still have to breathe polluted air and face toxic or unsafe food. It is a pity that government officials have not made up their mind to learn from the Hong Kong government’s simple and easy supervision methods. There are many social problems in China today. It is easy for us to look for social reasons, objective reasons and other people's reasons. We often cannot see our own problems. If each of us does not reflect on our own problems, a society that harms each other will become From this, the outcome is that everyone living in this society cannot escape being hurt and hurt in the end! When I returned to my hometown during the Spring Festival, what I saw and heard was this pattern of mutual harm. Those who raised ducks, chickens, and pigs did not eat the chickens, ducks, and pigs that were ripened by hormone feed. Those who grew grapes did not eat grapes sold for sale. Those who grew rice did not eat grapes. Eat the rice sold outside, the vegetable growers don’t eat the vegetables they sell, the oil sellers don’t eat the oil they sell... So the outcome is like this: you eat our poisonous rice, we eat They ate their hormonal chickens, they ate their poisonous grapes, they ate their gutter oil... People take it for granted that this kind of mutual harm society is strange, and they are even secretly complacent. It seems that the economy is prosperous like this. , living standards have improved in this way, but I didn’t expect that various malignant diseases are increasing. A few years ago, Jack Ma loudly shouted in public: "Many people ask me what keeps you awake. Alibaba and Taobao have never kept me awake. What keeps me awake is that our water is no longer drinkable. We The food can’t be eaten and our children can’t drink milk. I really can’t sleep at this time.” “The privileged people have clean water, but they can’t buy clean air. I’m worried that in the end, after we work so hard, All the money I earn is spent on medical expenses.” Every time someone talks about food safety, everyone becomes indignant and turns around and continues to do all kinds of harmful things. Decades of predatory development have left behind piles of shoddy projects. Those shiny buildings, bridges, and residences will show their ferocious appearance whenever a major earthquake like the one in Wenchuan occurs! Whether in cities or villages, even breathing clean air has become a luxury, and days with blue skies and white clouds are becoming increasingly rare. This is the biggest crisis in a mutually beneficial society. Some people blame this pattern of mutual harm on the ten-year Cultural Revolution, believing that the catastrophe opened Pandora's box and started the pattern of mutual harm among the people. Although the Cultural Revolution has passed, this unscrupulous pattern of mutual harm is far from the same. Finish. This pattern of mutual harm has even mutated and penetrated into all aspects of society, including houses, roads, bridges, even food, medicines, water sources, air, etc., and even everyone’s breathing. This unpreventable pattern of mutual harm has Everyone is a victim and everyone is a perpetrator! Who is to blame for a society that harms each other? Strange things come and go. First of all, we have to blame ourselves. If everyone in this society had a conscience, everyone had awe, everyone knew how to respect life, everyone could distinguish right from wrong, and everyone could learn from lies and deception. Only by waking up can we change this mutually harmful society.

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Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...