The price of betrayal..........................

 On November 22, 1985, the FBI's senior intelligence expert, Jin Wudai, was suddenly arrested. This spy, who had been lurking for more than 40 years and was considered to be the most influential in the history of Sino-US relations, also surfaced.

Jin Wudai was born in Beijing in 1922 and studied at the Department of Journalism of Yenching University. During the Anti-Japanese War in 1944, Jin Wudai got a job as a secretary and translator at the US Army Liaison Office in Fuzhou. Because he had access to some US military information, Jin Wudai was targeted by the Chinese Communist Party and then turned against the CCP. Like many naive intellectuals of that era, Jin Wudai was moved by the CCP's utopian ideals and began to provide the CCP with US military intelligence. In 1949, Jin Wudai transferred to the US Consulate General in Shanghai. After the fall of Shanghai, he moved to Hong Kong with the US Consulate General.

In 1952, he was recruited into the "Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service" under the CIA, and officially became a member of the US intelligence agency. In 1965, Jin Wudai became a US citizen. During this period, Jin Wudai was awarded many times by the CIA for his diligence. Therefore, after retiring in 1981, Jin Wudai continued to work as a consultant in the CIA.

In the 40 years before and after, Jin Wudai continuously provided a large amount of American intelligence through the CCP's intelligence agencies in Hong Kong and North America. It is difficult to assess how much influence it has now. But what is certain is that Jin Wudai's intelligence led to the disclosure of many American foreign policy cards in advance, allowing the CCP to seize the opportunity to develop relations with the United States in the dilemma of being abandoned by the world after 1949. It led to the United States making major concessions to the CCP on many issues.

What is particularly funny is that Jin Wudai's intelligence transmission was interrupted for 8 years during the Cultural Revolution-because his superior was criticized and imprisoned. He was not able to continue intelligence transmission until this superior was released from prison.

The seemingly perfect undercover career came to an abrupt end in 1985 because of an unexpected defection. Yu Qiangsheng, the head of the US intelligence work of the Ministry of State Security of the Communist Party of China, the director of the North American Intelligence Department, and the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, defected to the United States. One of the tokens of his surrender was the lurking big fish Jin Wudai. Jin Wudai was subsequently arrested.

After being arrested, Jin Wudai thought that he had made great contributions to the Communist Party of China, and waited for the Communist Party of China to rescue him back to China through spy exchange - this is also the unspoken rule of intelligence work in most countries. Whenever their spies are arrested, they will generally not sit idly by and will use various exchanges to rescue them. Because if you don't protect the high-risk profession of spies, who will dare to work for you in the future?

Because of this, Jin Wudai was very confident that the Communist Party of China would rescue him. He said to his wife who came to visit him, "At least do it for the world to see, right? It's not acceptable from a human perspective to ignore the problems of personnel. This country is irresponsible, but it won't be irresponsible forever, right?"

But the Communist Party of China is really different. Jin Wudai was arrested during the honeymoon period of Sino-US relations. After the news came out, there was an uproar in the United States, and the Reagan administration was very embarrassed. Facing the accusations of the United States, Li Zhaoxing, then the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, publicly stated: "We have nothing to do with that person. The accusations of the United States are groundless."

Faced with the abandonment of the Chinese Communist Party, Jin Wudai had a last glimmer of fantasy. He asked his wife to go to Beijing and try to meet Deng Xiaoping. He believed that "as long as Deng Xiaoping could make a phone call to President Reagan, he might be released." But he thought too much. The Chinese side did not give his wife this opportunity at all. The Chinese Communist Party even froze Jin Wudai's secret account in the Bank of China in Hong Kong, which was originally the funds paid by the Chinese Communist Party to Jin Wudai.

On the afternoon of February 19, 1986, Jin Wudai received the last visitor in his life-Chen Guokun, a reporter from the Chinese newspaper "Zhongbao" in New York. His real identity was actually a Chinese Communist Party intelligence officer. The content of his conversation with Jin Wudai is unknown. But it is certain that it was devastating.

Just two days later, Jin Wudai committed suicide in his cell. He put a garbage bag on his head and tied a shoelace around his neck, suffocating to death. This method of suicide requires the deceased to have great endurance, and he will not die if he has a little desire to survive. It would be difficult to do this if he had not completely lost hope.

This super spy who had been lurking for the Chinese Communist Party for more than 40 years ended the tragedy of his life in a dramatic way.

The biggest feature of China's social system is a mixed society。。。。。。。。。

 The biggest feature of the Chinese system is a mixed society.

Communism is common from the provincial and ministerial level, and everyone takes what they need.

Feudalism is common from the provincial and ministerial level to the county level, and everyone is a local tyrant, and everyone does what they can.

Socialism is common from the county level to the lowest level of civil servants, and everyone is satisfied with what they need.

The bottom is a slave society, and everyone does their best.

Rousseau, a French philosopher, politician, writer, and musician in the 18th century, said:

Public ownership is the invention of the ambitious. Under public ownership, the people have nothing, which will inevitably lead to the people's unlimited worship of power, and all basic conscience and beliefs will inevitably be lost. The ugliest power-money-sex transactions and greed will be rampant, and the struggle for power will be bloody, and the people will become slaves.

Public ownership is the foundation that buries all equality and is the source of all evil.

Only by ensuring everyone's private rights can we achieve equal interaction between people.

Chinese people graffitied and urinated on the Yasukuni Shrine。。。。。。。。。。。。

 On June 1, the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, where Class A war criminals of World War II are enshrined, was found to have its stone pillars at the entrance vandalized. A Chinese internet celebrity admitted to being involved in the case and released a video showing himself defecating and graffitiing at the scene. After returning to China, the internet celebrity has not yet been punished by the authorities. Some analysts believe that some people are taking advantage of the nationalist atmosphere advocated by Beijing and are willing to take extreme measures to achieve their personal goals.

The Chinese internet celebrity involved, "Iron Head", said: "Facing the Japanese government's permission to discharge nuclear wastewater, I will give them a taste of their own medicine."

"Iron Head" filmed a video in English at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan, claiming to do a "big thing". In the video, "Iron Head" climbed up to the stone pillar with "Yasukuni Shrine" written on it at the entrance to urinate, and then wrote the English word "toilet" in red spray paint on the stone pillar. Afterwards, "Iron Head" uploaded another video saying that he had returned to China.

In the early morning of June 1, the Japanese police received a report that the stone pillars of the Yasukuni Shrine were vandalized, and the authorities cordoned off the scene with cloth strips to collect evidence. The police launched an investigation into "Tietou", whose real name is Dong Guangming, and accused him of suspected property damage.

After the Yasukuni Shrine was sprayed with paint, "Tietou" said in a video that "the surrounding environment is very risky and I don't want to cause trouble for the country." The subtitles of the video showed words such as "the hero's triumphant return." Some Chinese netizens praised "Tietou" as a warrior and described his behavior as a "righteous act."

June 4th, the darkest night in Beijing.................

 The general process of the incident that night is as follows:

The 38th Army and the 15th Airborne Army shot at citizens and students along the street on their way to Tiananmen Square, causing heavy casualties;

Around 1:30 a.m., the martial law troops around Tiananmen Square opened fire to drive away protesters, causing casualties;

Around 3 a.m., Zhou Duo and four other members of the four hunger strikers proposed that the square student command should negotiate with the martial law troops to lead the students to evacuate peacefully;

At 3:30 a.m., Hou Dejian and Zhou Duo negotiated with the military representatives, and the martial law troops agreed to the students' evacuation;

At 4 a.m., the lights in Tiananmen Square suddenly went out, and thousands of people sang the "Internationale" with great passion and sorrow;

At 4:30 a.m., the lights in Tiananmen Square were turned on again, and the martial law troops began to clear the square;

Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed to the base of the monument, and Feng Congde, the square command, organized a verbal vote by the students in the square and made the decision to evacuate;

At 4:50 a.m., the martial law troops used force to drive away the students;

Around 5:30 a.m., the soldiers opened fire on the students who refused to evacuate the square;

Around 7 a.m., the student team evacuating the square was crushed by tanks and attacked by poison gas bombs at Liubukou, and many people were killed and injured;

After the students withdrew to various universities, some students set up mourning halls in the universities to commemorate the victims;

The June 4th Massacre triggered protests from more than 400 cities across the country and condemnation from countries around the world.

On this day, too many things happened. Three years after the massacre, on June 16, 1992, the American "World Weekly" published a memoir entitled "White Dawn" signed by Zhong Luobai. This college student, who was studying at a university in Beijing at the time, described his experience of escaping death near Chang'an Avenue and Tiananmen Square. Here is an excerpt from the end of the article:

"... I continued to move forward. The tanks drove forward quickly, throwing gas bombs at people on both sides. When I arrived at the gate of Zhongnanhai, the soldiers on guard picked up large wooden sticks that they had armed at some point and drove out the crowd who tried to enter Zhongnanhai to avoid gas bombs.

When we arrived at Liubukou, we saw a group of people on the left side of the road. The tanks began to stop and slowly retreated. I crossed the road and came there. I was immediately stunned by the scene.

I saw that at the junction of the roadside bicycle lane and the road, about seven meters in radius, several rows of bicycles were knocked down. On top of the bicycles was a large pile of bloody corpses. All the corpses were connected together in a pancake shape, about a dozen in number, with tank tracks on them. A young man's head was crushed, and white brain matter spurted out several meters away. Another male student wearing glasses was lying on his back, and the handlebars of the bicycle below him actually penetrated his back and came out from his abdomen. There was also a woman who was crushed so that only a vaguely recognizable blue skirt was left... Next to the corpses was a red school flag, most of which was stained dark red by blood.

I have never witnessed such a cruel scene (even in the movies). This is the most ruthless trampling on human nature and modern civilization; this is the most tragic and darkest page in the history of the Republic!

From under my feet, a groan came Groaning, ah! Someone was still alive. I quickly helped the groaning person from the pool of blood, a male student. The people next to him quickly pushed a flatbed cart. When I held his bloody body and gently pulled him out, he said weakly: "Classmate, my legs..., my legs..." I looked down carefully, and there was no leg. The whole thigh was crushed from the root and blood was oozing out. When I carried him onto the flatbed cart, Ye Fu came. He used all the remaining film to take pictures of this scene from different angles. We pushed the flatbed cart, helped the dying classmate, and walked towards Fuxing Hospital. Looking back at the scene that I will never forget, a plastic bag was revealed in the pocket of a dead classmate. Plastic bag, with some dry bread crumbs inside. Perhaps, that was the last supper enjoyed by this young life... Two old ladies knelt beside the body, clapped their hands on the ground, and cried loudly: "My students! ' This is the most heartbroken cry I have ever heard. At this time, the loudspeakers on the street were broadcasting the announcement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: "A counter-revolutionary riot occurred in Beijing... Some thugs violated the martial law order and killed PLA soldiers...' The pale sun rose slowly, shining on the once beautiful Chang'an Avenue full of blood, shells, and tank tracks, and the smoke slowly dissipated. On this empty street, in this white dawn, I supported the dead classmate. We can no longer shed tears. "


Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...