Land was illegally expropriated in Sichuan, China, and a villager was crushed to death by an excavator! How tragic! ! ! !

Many netizens broke the news that villagers in Yongli Village, Xiachang Town, Changning County, Yibin, Sichuan Province, had their land illegally expropriated, and some villagers were crushed to death by excavators. Photos provided by Weibo user @helloCaiCai09 showed a pair of hands and half a broken head exposed by the red soil run over by the track. Later, she was dug out, her clothes covered with mud, and a bulldozer parked next to her. According to Tieba user "baby Cai Cai Cai Cai Cai", he heard about the land acquisition a few months ago. "I asked the village chief to find out about the situation. The village chief said that the villagers built the roads themselves. Not to mention the land occupation. It's better if they don't let you pay. I asked the specific villagers. The village chief was vague and said that most of the villagers. I Asked what will happen if we don’t sign and agree. Forced demolition? The village chief said that the minority will definitely obey the majority. Measures will definitely be taken against the few who do not sign.” She also said that she had communicated with the relevant cadres in the town a few days ago However, they did not provide relevant information, "that is to say, without any relevant documents. The town and village require us villagers to donate land free of charge." This morning, a villager surnamed Liang from Yongli Village who had been to the scene revealed to Jiguang that because the compensation issue at the construction site had not been settled, on the morning of the 7th, an old lady from Group 6 went to the construction site to argue, and a dispute broke out. When he went over to watch, she had been dragged into the pit and buried. The claim of "land grabbing" has not yet been officially confirmed. Subsequently, the Propaganda Department of the Changning County Party Committee issued a notice stating that the incident resulted in death due to improper construction operations. The bulldozer driver and the person in charge of the construction site were suspected of serious liability accidents and have been detained.

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