Deng Yapeng: A "lotus oak" who fooled the people!

Deng Yaping, the former "Queen of Table Tennis", is known as the "Little Giant" in the sports world and a national idol. What about now? But he has become the target of thousands of people’s criticism and contempt. Ambassador for the Beijing Olympic bid, a BA in English from Tsinghua University, a MA from the University of Nottingham, a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, deputy secretary-general of the People's Daily, and general manager of People's Search. The former athlete with a pure patriotism has long since drifted away... replaced by a careerist who is passionate about "official and business studies". After Deng Yaping rode the east wind of the national system to the top, she became the darling of the country, and all roads were opened for her. Then she studied abroad, entered a career, engaged in IT across industries, and now she holds the title of professor at a university of political science and law. Of course, she can break out of the sports circle, continue to learn, develop her own social resources and comprehensive abilities, and shape new social roles. is worthy of high praise. However, every step she takes is stepping on the face of the country and the people. I wonder if the world has fooled her, or she has fooled the world. The author is not trying to impress people by criticizing her. Let’s take a look at her deeds of fooling the people. 1. Kneel down for Christianity. When Deng Yaping gave birth to her child, she chose to give birth in France on the grounds that it was convenient for her husband to accompany her during the birth, which caused widespread controversy. Deng Yaping herself once said: "When I hear the national anthem being played and see the national flag rising, my eyes always have tears of excitement. In our hearts, the motherland is our mother. It was my mother's milk that raised me. As an athlete, I A true Chinese, no matter how successful you are, you can never forget your ancestors. No matter what I do in the future, I will never forget my motherland, I will never forget that I am Chinese, and I will never do anything that damages the national character and personality. Things." Haha, how beautiful and touching it is! But why did you choose to give birth in France? Choosing where to have your baby is, of course, a personal matter. However, as a member of D, Deng Yaping was determined to have her son born in France in order to obtain French nationality. He does not hesitate to kneel down to Christian clergy. This choice violates the basic norms and conscience of a political figure. Is this "forgetting the motherland and forgetting that he is Chinese," or "something detrimental to the national character and personality?" Did you give birth to your child in France for the benefit of your motherland? Our country has overpopulation, support family planning? Is it for the sake of Sino-French friendship? France is underpopulated, and Chinese children solve its labor shortage through immigration? Is it really that noble? Then we really have to learn from Comrade Deng Yaping! Applaud Comrade Deng Yaping! 2. Think you are Steve Jobs? Will the people bear the responsibility after losing 2 billion? In 2010, when Deng Yaping was transferred to People’s Daily and took the helm of People’s Search, she spent 2 billion in investment within 2 years. It failed miserably in the Internet arena, causing Immediate Search to close down and become heavily in debt. This is a typical example of a layman leading an expert. Being able to play ball does not mean that he knows how to do business! One of her employees revealed that she only talks about table tennis and "revolutionary family history" during meetings. In the eyes of insiders, "Deng Yaping tried to integrate into the Internet circle in the shortest possible time, but what is more dramatic is that every time she gave a speech, people in the audience laughed." As a result, employees had no confidence in her. After spending 2 billion, she finally did not become the Chinese Jobs of her dreams, but fell into a spiritual world like Ah Q. "We immediately search for ourselves to represent the country. Our most important thing is not to make money, but to fulfill our national responsibilities." ." Faced with the accusations from public opinion and ordinary people, Deng Yaping adopted an official tone and only said one sentence that was worthy of her conscience. Deng Yaping never looked back on the road of mediocrity, but for the loss of 2 billion, should the people bear the responsibility? (Deng Yaping is suspected of being exposed for buying a house in Hong Kong for 340 million yuan) Hong Kong media news: A Bel-Air owner purchased the three buildings of the famous Erluan family owned by Sun Hung Kai for about 250 million, with a total of 24 units, together with the four swimming pools purchased earlier. Special units, the total purchase price is about 340 million. Judging from the photos, the owner is suspected to be former Olympic champion Deng Yaping. 3. Education and entertainment: How can a teacher and a golfer be confused with each other? The appointment of Deng Yaping as a part-time professor at the China University of Political Science and Law aroused public concern after being reported by the media. This prompted students to issue open letters questioning the situation, and professors to issue statements saying they "will not live with them." After investigation, it was found that the three diplomas held by Deng Yaping were in English, finance, etc., and had nothing to do with sports training. Do high-level athletes equal high-level coaches and professors? On the other hand, supporting the development of school sports teams is not what a professor does, but what a coach does. But Deng Yaping accepted the title of professor. To put it bluntly, this is another case of adultery between a star official and the university. The former wants to borrow universities to gild itself, while the latter wants to borrow officials to expand its influence and at the same time find more resources within the system. After retiring, Deng Yaping should not have embarked on this life path. The author is wondering whether Deng Yaping, who swore an oath under the D flag when faced with the red flag of the hammer and sickle representing the interests of workers and peasants, was thinking about people's representatives and CPPCC members. Power, status, fame, money, beauties, villas, luxury cars...? Have the flowers, applause, honors, and medals of the past been abandoned by her in a dusty corner... Personal understanding: Why doesn't a person do what he likes and is good at? ! Why embarrass yourself and harm the interests of others. Isn’t it about living with a conscience? Life is short, so it’s better to leave something behind.

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