An old woman stole dumplings made from neighbor's narcissus for her grandson to eat. After being poisoned, she came to seek compensation!!

Recently, there was a very popular post on Zhihu, in which a subject reluctantly recounted an embarrassing incident he encountered. He planted dozens of daffodils in his yard. An old lady next door thought they were leeks, so she secretly cut the daffodils and made dumplings for her grandson to eat. As a result, the child was hospitalized. Now the old lady and her family came to ask for compensation from him. During the police mediation, they also asked him to compensate part of the medical expenses out of humanitarianism. He was confused: he stole something from my house, even though it was a narcissus of negligible value, which caused poisoning, how could he still ask for compensation? What about my compensation? The questioner explained some situations: The garden was bought with real money when I bought the house, and it belongs to me on the real estate certificate. Next to it is the public green space of the community. The iron fence in the garden is not high, only 50 centimeters. There is one place that is very old. disrepair. Last year, when the tulips I planted in the garden were blooming, this old lady came with scissors and stole more than 30 flowers. This old lady also secretly picked the flowers of roses, hydrangeas, freesias and other plants that I planted. ——Turns out he is a habitual thief, is he being punished?

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