Some doctors say that the blood of healthy people is like clean water, while the blood of diabetics is like sewage. The organs are always soaked in sewage, and they will become damaged as they soak.

Diabetes can bring more than 100 complications, and according to data, more than 50% of diabetic patients have at least one chronic complication [1].

Among the complications of diabetes, 6 have a very serious impact on the body. The body will send out warning signals before they come. Check to see if you have any?

1. Diabetic eye disease: severe cases leading to blindness

Three out of 10 people with diabetes are affected, which is one of the main causes of visual impairment and blindness [2].

Early signs: blurred vision, dark shadows in front of the eyes, and decreased vision. It feels like there is a layer of fog or black objects floating in front of your eyes. Even if you are not looking directly at the light source, you feel that the sun and lights are particularly dazzling.

Countermeasures: When the above symptoms appear, do not think that you are old and have dazzled eyes. It is likely to be retinopathy caused by long-term high blood sugar. You must go to the hospital’s ophthalmology department in time.

2. Diabetes and heart disease: increased risk of death

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for people with type 2 diabetes.

Early signs: chest tightness, suffocation, palpitations, dizziness or fatigue, aggravation of symptoms after activity, etc.

People with diabetes are prone to sensory nerve damage. When angina pectoris or myocardial infarction occurs, there is often no obvious pain and it is easily ignored.

Countermeasures: The above symptoms indicate coronary heart disease. Once discovered, seek medical treatment promptly without delay.

3. Diabetic nephropathy: use dialysis to maintain life in the end stage

Diabetic nephropathy is the main cause of end-stage renal disease, and about 30% to 40% of people with diabetes will suffer from diabetic nephropathy [3].

Early signs: foamy urine, increased urine, swollen eyelids in the morning, etc.

There is usually no obvious discomfort in the early stage, and it is difficult to detect it through routine urine examination. If the above-mentioned early signals appear, it may be diabetic nephropathy.

Countermeasures: See the nephrology department and endocrinology department promptly, and conduct urine albumin to creatinine ratio, urine sediment detection, renal function and other tests.

4. Peripheral neuropathy: In severe cases, the pain and itching are so severe that one cannot sleep.

Early signs: numbness in the lower limbs, usually starting from numbness in the feet, often symmetrically occurring bilaterally, with the symptoms being more severe in the feet than in the legs, and more severe at night than during the day. Your extremities may feel like there are ants walking on them, or your hands and feet may feel like you are wearing gloves and socks, or you may experience a burning sensation.

30% to 40% of people with diabetes have no clinical symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that people with type 1 diabetes should be screened at least once a year 5 years after diagnosis; people with type 2 diabetes should be screened as soon as possible after diagnosis, and should be screened at least once a year in the future.

Countermeasures: Control blood sugar and nourish nerves with the help of a doctor. You can soak your feet and hands in warm water every night to improve circulation.

5. Vascular disease of the lower limbs: When severe, even walking becomes a luxury.

Diabetic lower limb vascular disease may cause pain in the legs when walking in the early stage. As the disease progresses, the distance that can be walked becomes shorter and shorter, and finally even walking becomes a luxury.

Early signs: Pain or soreness in the lower limbs after walking, which must be rested to get better, or accompanied by a drop in skin temperature of the affected limb, flushing of the skin, paleness when the limb is raised, etc.

Countermeasures: Once the above symptoms appear, do not think that it is due to old age and poor health. You must seek medical treatment in time.

6. Diabetic foot: high disability and mortality rate

Diabetic foot is a serious chronic complication and one of the main causes of disability and death. About 15% of people with diabetes are at high risk for diabetic foot, and 5% of people with diabetes are experiencing the pain of diabetic foot [5].

Early signs: dry and itchy skin on the feet without sweating, tingling, burning pain, numbness in the extremities, decreased or missing sensation, a feeling of walking on cotton when walking, and other symptoms of neuropathy, as well as toe deformity, etc.

Countermeasures: Seek medical attention promptly and do not delay or use folk remedies to deal with it yourself. Diabetic foot may eventually lead to amputation, so sufficient attention should be paid.

If your body shows the above symptoms, no matter how busy you are, you should take time to seek medical treatment and strive for early treatment and early recovery.

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