Women's relationship with women's friends!!!!!

 Dress sexy: Women may choose to wear more sexy clothing, such as gauzy underwear or lace bras, to show off their sex appeal.

Physical proximity: When in the same room with a man, a woman may constantly move closer to him and use her body language to invite him.

Heavy breathing: When aroused, a woman's breathing may become more urgent and rapid, and her heartbeat may accelerate, which are obvious sexual signals.

Eye changes: When a woman is sexually excited, her pupils may involuntarily dilate, making her eyes appear larger and brighter.

Active hugging: May actively seek hugs and use close physical contact to express their needs.

Increased blinking: Studies have shown that women blink more often when they want attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, some data show that women have two sexual desire peaks in a menstrual cycle. One peak is before menstruation, and the other peak is near the ovulation period. Each peak lasts about 3 to 5 days.

It should be noted that these signs are not displayed by all women, nor do they only appear when sexual desire is high. The expression of sexual desire is affected by many factors, including personal personality, cultural background, psychological state, etc.

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