If there are "4 blacks" in the body, it is either a serious illness or cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 While the color has no absolute meaning, black is often associated with negative things.

In art and literature, black is often used to enhance the effect of death and horror.

When black appears on our bodies, what might it mean?

1. Darkening of lips

The depth of lip color mainly depends on the thickness of the skin and the number of blood vessels, and everyone's lip color is different.

Normally, the lip color of a healthy person should be light red.

If your lip color continues to be darker or darker, you may need to pay attention to the following three health issues:

1. Digestive system problems

If the digestive system is abnormal for a long time and cannot effectively eliminate metabolic waste, toxins may reach the lips through blood circulation, causing the lip color to darken.

For example, indigestion or chronic constipation are often accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite.

Some patients with small intestinal polyps will have dark spots on their lower lip. If you have purple-black or solid black spots on your lips, this could be a sign of small intestinal polyps.

2. Cardiovascular problems

Insufficient blood supply to the heart or blocked blood circulation will cause the body to be deprived of oxygen, and the blood oxygen saturation around the lips will be reduced, which may make the lips darken.

For example, conditions such as hemangioma, heart disease, or myocarditis can cause this condition.

3. Liver problems

The liver is the metabolic center and main detoxification organ of the human body. Impaired liver function can lead to hormone level imbalance and metabolic abnormalities, which can cause melanin to accumulate in the body and cause lip color to deepen.

Especially for patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, their faces may become dull and black, and melanin may also appear around the eyes and lips, forming the so-called "liver disease face."

2. Dark neck

Some people always seem to have dark spots on the back and sides of their necks that cannot be removed even if they are washed. This may not be tanning, but a sign of a disease.

This condition, known as acanthosis nigricans, is a skin disease caused by excessive pigmentation. Its color may vary from light brown to black, and the skin may exhibit the following features:

The skin surface shows orange peel-like changes or velvet-like thickening;

The texture is soft and usually distributed symmetrically;

It feels grainy and rough to the touch;

Papillary growths may appear.

Although acanthosis nigricans itself is benign and mainly affects the appearance and does not cause other harm, its occurrence usually means that there may be abnormalities in the body's endocrine and metabolism.

1. Diabetes

In the early stages of diabetes, fasting blood glucose levels may be higher than normal even if the diagnostic criteria for diabetes have not yet been met.

Insulin resistance will prevent the normal binding of insulin to its receptors. Excess insulin interacts with insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors in peripheral tissues (such as skeletal muscle, fat, liver) to promote the proliferation of skin keratinocytes and fibroblasts.

Without timely intervention, the risk of diabetes will be greatly increased, as will the likelihood of acanthosis nigricans.

2. Polycystic ovary syndrome

The main symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstruation and hyperandrogenism, but because it is essentially a collection of metabolic problems, many patients also have obesity and insulin resistance.

Clinical observations show that up to one-third of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome also suffer from acanthosis nigricans.

3. Visceral tumors

If the dark skin folds are widespread and accompanied by strong itching, this may be a sign of malignant acanthosis nigricans.

Malignant acanthosis nigricans is usually caused by visceral tumors, with about 50% probability of being related to gastric cancer. Other possible related diseases include bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer and ovarian cancer. Middle-aged, older people and people with a lower body weight need to pay special attention to this symptom.

3. Black lines on fingernails

Black lines on fingernails are usually onychomycosis formed by an increase in pigment cells within the nail. This nevus may appear on any fingernail, but is especially common on the thumb, index finger, and first toe.

The width of onychomycosis generally does not exceed 3 mm, with neat edges, even pigment distribution, and slow widening.

It should be noted that if the black line on the nail (toe) suddenly becomes wider than 3 mm, or multiple intermittent strips of different colors appear, or the skin at the root of the nail (toe) turns black, these may is a sign of melanoma.

The pigment cells under the nail are usually inactive, but inflammation can activate these cells, causing gray or dark gray lines on the nail. Daily activities, such as doing laundry or washing dishes, can also cause this phenomenon.

Onychomycosis is usually darker in color, while lines caused by inflammation are lighter in color. If black lines appear on multiple fingernails at the same time, the possibility of onychomycosis is low.

4. Black stool

Normal stool color should be yellow or tan, due to the action of bilirubin in bile. Eating animal offal, blood products, or taking iron supplements may temporarily turn your stool black.

If food and medication have been eliminated and persistent or intermittent darkening of the stool remains, this is usually a sign of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which may involve the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum.

If blood stays in the intestine for too long, it will cause the destruction of red blood cells, and hemoglobin will combine with sulfide to form black iron sulfide, making the stool black.

Of particular concern are gastrointestinal cancers:

Stomach cancer may present as black stool, persistent stomach pain, and vomiting blood.

Colorectal cancer may present with black stools and persistent difficulty with bowel movements.

These symptoms require prompt medical examination.

Another wealth feast for China’s bureaucrats and elites!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Chinese government has once again stepped in to save the crumbling real estate industry, which means that the ten-year-old "housing is for living, not for speculation" policy has come to an end. I wonder how much funds the central government and local governments are prepared to use to acquire and store the backlog of houses in the hands of real estate developers. What will they do with them once they are acquired?

At that time, Zhu Rongji mobilized the whole country to clean up the unfinished real estate projects in Hainan. It took a full ten years. Today, the scale and stock of real estate in China far exceed that of Hainan back then. If real estate is not saved, the next disaster will occur. Banks, despite the fact that China's banks seem to be strong today, the real estate problem continues to ferment, and the panting Chinese banking industry will collapse. The Chinese government's rescue of real estate is to save the banks and itself!

The Chinese government decides to save real estate. No matter what the outcome is, it does not matter. For the powerful, it is another opportunity! It’s the beginning of another wealth feast! Acquisition and storage of huge amounts of real estate, how to price it and how to pay for it. The tricks and rent-seeking costs involved are enough to make many people rich overnight. Many people believe that the anti-corruption effect in the past ten years has been outstanding and people no longer dare to be corrupt. This is a complete underestimate of the corrupt system. In essence, anti-corruption is just a deterrent method derived from the corrupt system, and cannot affect the corrupt system itself at all.

The only Harvard MD in history to be eaten。。。。。。。。。。。。

 Dong Jianyi may be the only Harvard MD who was eaten by someone in history.

In 1957, China's Gansu Province established a labor camp in a place called Jiabiangou in the Gobi Desert in Jiuquan. More than 3,000 intellectuals classified as rightists were sent to this labor camp. Due to the harsh living environment, they In 1960, only more than 300 people survived. These intellectuals, who were once famous all over the world, went so far as to eat each other in order to survive.

After graduating from Harvard, Dong Jianyi was encouraged to return to China in 1952. He returned with his wife and worked at Shanghai Huimin Hospital. In 1955, he responded to the national call to support the construction of the Northwest and took the initiative to work in Lanzhou. As a result, in 1957, he was classified as a rightist because he gave some opinions to the hospital leaders and was sent to Jiabiangou Labor Camp.

In 1960, Jiabiangou experienced a peak death rate. A large number of reform-through-labor prisoners starved to death every day, and cannibalism abounded. As a doctor, Dong Jianyi knew that he was about to die. In order to prevent his body from being eaten by hungry inmates, Dong Jianyi told the inmate Liu Wenhan, a rightist from the Gansu Public Security Department, before he died that he would wrap himself in a blanket after his death. His body was hidden outside, waiting for his wife to see him for the last time.

In accordance with his last wish, Liu Wenhan wrapped his body and hid it in a cave. A week later, Dong Jianyi's wife Gu Xiaoying came all the way from Shanghai. Liu Wenhan took her to see the body, but she could not find it. Finally, the body of Dong Jianyi was found abandoned in the Gobi Desert. The blankets and clothes on his body had been stolen, and all his flesh and skin had been cut off. Only his head was left hanging on the skeleton.

Dong Jianyi was only 35 years old when he died. His wife finally took his head back to Shanghai. This true story comes from "Experience: My 1957" by Ms. He Fengming.

Former Chinese agent defected to Australia, revealing secret police trap for anti-communist internet celebrity and exiled cartoonist


The Australian National Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) recently reported that a former Chinese secret policeman who defected there revealed that he had lured dissidents back to the country and mentioned suspected collaborators in Taiwan. A Chinese man whose pseudonym is Eric claims to be an agent of the Political Security Bureau, a secret unit of the Ministry of Public Security of China. In an exclusive interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), he pointed out that he has been involved in surveillance and kidnapping since 2008. At work, he has transformed himself into an overseas Chinese dissident or a business executive with assets worth billions of dollars, and used this to get close to the Dalai Lama, trap anti-communist Internet celebrities, and make friends with Chinese exiled artists. Eric also provided hundreds of secret documents and letters to confirm the authenticity of his statement. Eric alleged that he was attracted by the Western democratic system and joined the Chinese Social Democratic Party in the United States. However, Chinese agents came to take him away. In addition to being secretly interrogated for many days, he was also forced to confess. Later, he was given the opportunity to "reform his old ways." Not wanting to go to jail, he had no choice but to accept it. Starting in 2008, he began a series of espionage missions and was asked to arrest dissidents around the world. Eric also pointed out that the secret police attempted to trap anti-communist Internet celebrity Edwin Yin and current affairs satirical cartoonist "Perverted Pepper" (Wang Liming), with the intention of luring them to Cambodia so that Chinese police could arrest them. Because overseas police move more freely, they may bring them back to China through illegal means. Eric also said that he also tried to trap the Chinese exiled artist Hua Yong. Although he failed, the two still kept in contact after Hua Yong moved to Vancouver, Canada. However, one and a half years after the move, Hua Yong went boating out to sea one night. He did not return and was found dead the next morning. Eric also revealed that his boss will still try to contact him, but instead he persuades him to leave China with his family as soon as possible because his escape may have a huge impact. Eric also pointed out that now that he has become a target, there is only one way to make him feel safe: "For all those who oppose the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jinping, the day we can feel truly safe is the day the Chinese Communist Party collapses. ”. In the ABC report, overseas cartoonist Abnormal Chili mentioned that he was almost lured to Cambodia for an interview.

Women's relationship with women's friends!!!!!

 Dress sexy: Women may choose to wear more sexy clothing, such as gauzy underwear or lace bras, to show off their sex appeal.

Physical proximity: When in the same room with a man, a woman may constantly move closer to him and use her body language to invite him.

Heavy breathing: When aroused, a woman's breathing may become more urgent and rapid, and her heartbeat may accelerate, which are obvious sexual signals.

Eye changes: When a woman is sexually excited, her pupils may involuntarily dilate, making her eyes appear larger and brighter.

Active hugging: May actively seek hugs and use close physical contact to express their needs.

Increased blinking: Studies have shown that women blink more often when they want attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, some data show that women have two sexual desire peaks in a menstrual cycle. One peak is before menstruation, and the other peak is near the ovulation period. Each peak lasts about 3 to 5 days.

It should be noted that these signs are not displayed by all women, nor do they only appear when sexual desire is high. The expression of sexual desire is affected by many factors, including personal personality, cultural background, psychological state, etc.

Seven unsolved mysteries in China today。。。。。。。。。。。

 1. No one is doing research, but technology can always beat others.

2. Technology can always outperform others, but it can still get stuck.

3. Although my neck is always stuck, I still keep shouting victory.

4. Keep shouting victory, but the products are getting worse and worse.

5. The products are getting worse and worse, but the book data is always stable and improving.

6. Things are always stable and improving, but everyone’s wages have dropped.

7. Everyone’s wages have been reduced, but no one is complaining.

           No one complained, no one did research. Perfect closed loop! ! ! !


A 14-year-old girl in Changsha, Hunan, China, was bullied and beaten by many classmates half a month ago and was forced to cut her throat to survive. Related videos attracted attention. This is the second time that the girl has been beaten by classmates recently, and she has many open wounds on her body...On the evening of April 23, the High-tech Zone Branch of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a report on the case. In the video posted by the girl's parents, the girl was beaten by multiple girls and boys in school uniforms and was repeatedly slapped and stomped on the head. Someone shouted, "Bring the knife, I'm going to stab her." In the video, there is a scene where the neck was cut. Comprehensive mainland media reports said that the girl said she was beaten by Yan Mouhan and others from school. In order to escape the beating, the girl picked up broken glass and scratched her throat. She attempted suicide and begged Yan Mouhan and others to stop the beating. Unexpectedly, in exchange for The beatings intensified. Parent Mr. Liu said that on April 16, his daughter was beaten by a female classmate for more than an hour. When the other party asked to change places, her daughter was worried that she would be beaten again, so she picked up the broken glass and said, "I will die for you if I beat you again." ". Mr. Liu said that his daughter had multiple cuts on her neck and injuries to her wrists and face, which were identified as minor injuries of Level 2. On April 16, the inpatient disease diagnosis certificate issued by Hunan Aerospace Hospital showed that the girl had an open injury to her wrist (right, part of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle was broken); multiple open wounds on her neck; facial contusions; scalp hematoma; It is recommended to continue hospitalization. Mr. Liu hopes that the attacker will be punished criminally.


Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...