A taste of memories. I recommend beef soup that tastes better in the winter and is easy to eat for breakfast.

 When I was young, whenever I went to eat Gyeongyang-style pork cutlet, I wondered why the soup that came with it was so delicious. Even now, there are times when I crave Ottogi beef soup because of that memory. Originally, I mainly bought and ate the smallest 4-serving size, but the quantity was vague, so I had to eat it all at once, and the large size was much more economical, so I bought the bulk version once. I didn't know how much 1 kg was, but it's really a lot! Fortunately, the expiration date is 25 years, but I'm worried that I won't be able to eat it all before then haha. That's a lot of capacity. The price difference between the 500g and the 500g wasn't that big, so I thought about it and decided to go with this, but the 500g doesn't have a zipper bag with the entrance, so you need a separate sealing tool. I eat it by pouring it into a serving container. Every time I open the bag and eat it, powder flies and moisture enters, so I think it would be better to store it like this. It doesn't dissolve very well in water, so you need to stir it well with a whisk to prevent lumps. The taste is delicious, with a subtle beef flavor, savory, savory, and salty. Of course, it doesn't have a luxurious taste, but it tastes just like what you get at a pork cutlet restaurant. It tastes better with pepper. If you put the powder and hot water in a small cup and cook it in the microwave, it's easy to prepare without boiling, so it's good to eat as a substitute for busy breakfasts.

"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

Mom’s powdered rice is good for your health and good for dieting!!

 I have to take medicine in the morning, so I have to eat breakfast. I was looking for something simple to eat, so I bought misut powder! I chose this product because I was looking for something individually packaged. I keep it in a visible place and take good care of it. The recipe is written on each individual package, so I used that as a reference when making it. Maybe because I use sterilized milk, I like it better with water than with milk. It was like this. I opened 2 sachets in a shaker, added about a spoonful of sugar, and added about 200-250ml of mineral water. It suited my taste just fine.


The taste of misutgaru that my mom used to make in the old days!
It's easy to eat and it's very filling, so it's been almost a month since I bought it and I'm still eating it all.
I 100% intend to repurchase!

It is packaged in a sturdy box and even has a handle, so I think it would be good as a gift.

"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter that the chicken in the school must not be eaten. Although the chicken passed the test, it was definitely not edible because the chickens were so fat. The cycle lasts up to three months. How could it grow so quickly without a lot of hormones? The chickens my family eats are all raised in the mountains... Yes, not every household can eat chickens raised in the mountains nowadays, especially In large and small restaurants, people are even less likely to eat delicious local chicken. In addition to chicken, there are also meat, fish, and various vegetables and fruits. Who can guarantee that what you eat, drink, and use every day is safe and reassuring? The official obviously appreciated the Hong Kong government's approach, saying that all pork supplied to Hong Kong must undergo strict testing. Once banned drugs are found, the qualification to supply Hong Kong will be cancelled. The Hong Kong government attaches great importance to source testing and does not inform the mainland in advance for sampling and testing, so the food supplied to Hong Kong is relatively safe. He said that a large enterprise in the mainland with an annual output of 600 million pigs can only sell pigs in the country. Pigs cannot enter Hong Kong. With a naive look on my face, I asked the government why it didn't learn from the Hong Kong government and really make up its mind to solve the food crisis that makes people often worry and panic. The official admitted frankly that it couldn't be done, saying that if the mainland fully adopts the testing standards for Hong Kong, pig raising companies will If it goes bankrupt, the price of pork will at least double, because domestic farmers use more than 30 kinds of additives, most of which are drugs banned by the Hong Kong government. If these banned drugs are not used, the growth cycle will be greatly shortened. If it is extended, pig-raising enterprises will become unprofitable. From the official’s conversation, I learned that the official is well aware of the problems in food safety and knows how to solve them, but they just don’t want to do them. These officials do not live in a paradise. Although they can enjoy special supplies of certain products, after all, they also have families, and when they go out to restaurants, they still have to breathe polluted air and face toxic or unsafe food. It is a pity that government officials have not made up their mind to learn from the Hong Kong government’s simple and easy supervision methods. There are many social problems in China today. It is easy for us to look for social reasons, objective reasons and other people's reasons. We often cannot see our own problems. If each of us does not reflect on our own problems, a society that harms each other will become From this, the outcome is that everyone living in this society cannot escape being hurt and hurt in the end! When I returned to my hometown during the Spring Festival, what I saw and heard was this pattern of mutual harm. Those who raised ducks, chickens, and pigs did not eat the chickens, ducks, and pigs that were ripened by hormone feed. Those who grew grapes did not eat grapes sold for sale. Those who grew rice did not eat grapes. Eat the rice sold outside, the vegetable growers don’t eat the vegetables they sell, the oil sellers don’t eat the oil they sell... So the outcome is like this: you eat our poisonous rice, we eat They ate their hormonal chickens, they ate their poisonous grapes, they ate their gutter oil... People take it for granted that this kind of mutual harm society is strange, and they are even secretly complacent. It seems that the economy is prosperous like this. , living standards have improved in this way, but I didn’t expect that various malignant diseases are increasing. A few years ago, Jack Ma loudly shouted in public: "Many people ask me what keeps you awake. Alibaba and Taobao have never kept me awake. What keeps me awake is that our water is no longer drinkable. We The food can’t be eaten and our children can’t drink milk. I really can’t sleep at this time.” “The privileged people have clean water, but they can’t buy clean air. I’m worried that in the end, after we work so hard, All the money I earn is spent on medical expenses.” Every time someone talks about food safety, everyone becomes indignant and turns around and continues to do all kinds of harmful things. Decades of predatory development have left behind piles of shoddy projects. Those shiny buildings, bridges, and residences will show their ferocious appearance whenever a major earthquake like the one in Wenchuan occurs! Whether in cities or villages, even breathing clean air has become a luxury, and days with blue skies and white clouds are becoming increasingly rare. This is the biggest crisis in a mutually beneficial society. Some people blame this pattern of mutual harm on the ten-year Cultural Revolution, believing that the catastrophe opened Pandora's box and started the pattern of mutual harm among the people. Although the Cultural Revolution has passed, this unscrupulous pattern of mutual harm is far from the same. Finish. This pattern of mutual harm has even mutated and penetrated into all aspects of society, including houses, roads, bridges, even food, medicines, water sources, air, etc., and even everyone’s breathing. This unpreventable pattern of mutual harm has Everyone is a victim and everyone is a perpetrator! Who is to blame for a society that harms each other? Strange things come and go. First of all, we have to blame ourselves. If everyone in this society had a conscience, everyone had awe, everyone knew how to respect life, everyone could distinguish right from wrong, and everyone could learn from lies and deception. Only by waking up can we change this mutually harmful society.

Why are netizens cheering collectively when China’s officialdom is in turmoil?

The official media made an exception and quickly broadcast an official scandal from Panzhihua, Sichuan. On the morning of January 4, Panzhihua Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhang Yan and Mayor Li Jianqin were hosting the first meeting of the New Year at the Convention and Exhibition Center. The director of the city’s Land and Resources Bureau He rolled up his sleeves and fired several shots at the secretary and mayor in front of everyone. The venue suddenly fell into chaos, and the officials were all terrified! Fortunately, the secretary and mayor have great luck! The secretary was hit by three bullets, but his life and body were normal. He could be said to be a man of steel. But the pitiful and hateful director of the Bureau of Land and Resources had obviously never practiced marksmanship. None of the bullets he fired missed his vitals, but the one he shot towards himself. Bullets, but one shot kills people. In the eyes of any onlookers, it will be too tragic. This hot fight scandal has been widely used in WeChat Moments. There are no words of sympathy or mercy on the screen, only curiosity, wonder, gloating and even collective applause! When news came that the secretary and mayor had survived the catastrophe, there were even voices of regret on the Internet. Such a scene could not help but make people feel extremely sad. The so-called troubled times not only refer to the chaos of order, but also point to the inversion of people's hearts: When people no longer think about governance, but instead think about chaos, even if officials roll up their sleeves, the world may no longer be peaceful. Netizens' ridicule seems to be a continuation of the joy and peace of the New Year... Panzhihua Municipal Party Committee Secretary and Mayor are not dead! I heard that the officialdom in Panzhihua is emotionally stable! [laughing]

I went to the police station in China to get a certificate and found out that I had been executed for 15 years...

Nowadays, many employers require job applicants to provide proof of no criminal record when recruiting, but this common thing has recently caused trouble for Mr. Chen, a neighbor in Panyu, Guangzhou. This is because when he went to the police station to issue a certificate of no criminal record, he was rejected by the police officer. The reason turned out to be that he himself was executed for kidnapping as early as 2001. "Executed to death"? Does that mean you have to come back and issue a police certificate after 15 years of death? What has actually happened? In 2001, he committed the crime of kidnapping and was sentenced to death by the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court. This information was clearly recorded on a document with the words National Public Security Comprehensive Information Query System. Mr. Chen said that this document was handed over to him by the police when he went to Qiaofuhua Police Station in Panyu City on July 29, 2016 to issue a certificate of no criminal record.

  Except that Mr. Chen's name and ID number are the same as Mr. Chen's ID card information, other information including academic qualifications, identity, and place of residence are all different from Mr. Chen's true situation. There may be something fishy or something wrong here. Mr. Chen admitted frankly that in the 15 years since he was "executed" in 2001, his life has been quite normal. He even had no problems applying for a Hong Kong and Macao pass. However, the information discrepancy appeared only after he issued a non-criminal record certificate. The situation and all kinds of strange things puzzled him. Shortly afterwards, the Guangzhou Panyu police preliminarily determined that the error in Chen's identity information was true by reviewing the original case file materials and cross-referencing multiple pieces of information, and the relevant error correction procedures had been initiated. On August 5, the police issued a certificate of no criminal record for Chen. [Comment] Here comes the question: Who was the person who was shot to death? This case is probably more interesting than the Huge case and the Nie Shubin case. What's wrong with this country? The public security agency shot a man to death, but they didn’t know who he was? Is this simple absurdity? How many more cases like this are there? From the investigation by the public security organ to the procuratorate and then to the court, no one discovered that this person's identity was false? Were the family members not notified when this man was shot? This is too scary to think about. We can imagine that one day you are walking on the street, you are caught, and then you are shot to death for a crime you have not committed, using someone else’s name, and Your family has no idea where you have gone? Is this a story? I don't doubt that the man who was shot really committed robbery. However, the public security organs, procuratorates, and courts, you have to figure out who you shot, right? This is horrifying to think about.

Spanish police arrest Chinese scammer

Chinese people go to foreign countries to deceive Chinese people. According to the Spanish police announcement, the police arrested more than 200 Chinese citizens in different locations in Spain. These people were suspected of defrauding 16 million euros from victims in China. Spanish National Police Chief Quirós said at a press conference on Wednesday (December 14) that thousands of Chinese citizens, mainly poor families, were defrauded of their small savings, and some committed suicide as a result. . According to reports, these criminal gangs usually call victims in China, pretending to be the victims' neighbors, friends and family members, and first warn them about fraud crimes. The criminal gang then made phone calls pretending to be police officers investigating fraud crimes and tricked the victims into depositing money into their designated bank accounts to assist in the investigation. On Tuesday, 600 Spanish police officers dismantled 13 dens set up by criminals to make fraudulent calls in the capital Madrid and the eastern cities of Barcelona and Alicante. These phone stations are generally located in high-end villas in high-end residential areas. Chinese authorities informed Spanish police in July that many Chinese citizens had been targeted by phone scams originating from Spain. Spanish police said all the arrested suspects were Chinese citizens who entered Spain as tourists and then stayed.

Who are China’s “hostile forces”?

                Who are China’s “hostile forces”? The Minister of Education recently insisted that “the education system is the first target for infiltration by hostile forces.” Professor Zhang Ming from Renmin University asked on Weibo: "Since the education sector is the focus of infiltration by hostile forces, can you tell us which countries this hostile force includes? How many teachers are hostile elements in the education sector? Proportion, who are there?" "Hostile forces" in China can always find opportunities to take advantage of it, ranging from ethnic issues to upper-level power struggles, to citizens' rights protection and even explosions, fires, bridge demolitions, urban management beatings, etc. There are always voices coming out that are related to so-called "hostile forces." Including the smog we breathe, the poisonous food we eat, the lack of free compulsory education, the lack of assistance for serious illnesses, the lack of guaranteed pensions, and even the fact that we cannot afford to buy a house, see a doctor, or study, especially from top to bottom. The corruption that is obvious to all in the country may be inseparable from "hostile forces". On July 31 this year, "People's Daily" published an important article by Yuan Peng, director of the American Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. The article listed five major "hostile forces" that the United States is using to hinder China's rise, including rights protection. Lawyers, underground religions, dissidents, online leaders, vulnerable groups. According to Director Yuan's analysis, it is estimated that more than 90% of the people in China belong to "hostile forces." The so-called dissidents are nothing more than people who criticize the party and the government or a certain person. During the Mao Zedong period, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and even Zhu Rongji were all dissidents. As for the so-called vulnerable groups, except for the powerful and powerful, billions of people are probably vulnerable groups. Director Yuan's thinking may still be stuck in the era when class struggle was clear between ourselves and the enemy. It is no wonder that his views are actually just those of the powerful. What is a "vulnerable group"? There is no official definition. In 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji mentioned (or restored) the term "vulnerable groups" for the first time in the "Two Sessions" and "Government Work Report" before leaving office. At that time, it mainly affected four types of people: laid-off workers and those "outside the system" people, migrant workers in cities, and early-retired “in-system” personnel. This statement is actually not accurate, and vulnerable groups can be extended to a wider range. From laid-off workers, it can be extended to the unemployed, semi-unemployed and unemployed. The term "unemployed" has been officially used for a long time. It refers to people who have reached the working age but are unable to find a job. Now it is said that it has been included in the scope of the unemployed. After graduating from college, they cannot find a job for a long time and are also unemployed. Semi-employed people generally refer to their unstable occupation and unstable income, sometimes more and sometimes less. These are the same as laid-off workers, who used to be employed but are now unemployed. Their origins are different, but their current situation is the same. From migrant workers in cities, it can be extended to a considerable number of farmers. Migrant workers who work in cities can earn more than farming and have better employment opportunities. But they do the most tiring, painful, dirty and dangerous work, and receive the lowest wages, most of which are in arrears for a long time. Those farmers who have not left the countryside are in an equally difficult situation. They cultivate a small amount of land and can only survive hard. There are also farmers who have lost their fields and have limited compensation, and have long been reduced to vulnerable groups. The so-called "outside the system" people are actually unemployed. They have not lost their jobs, but they have never worked in any unit. These people basically have no income, and rarely do they have it. Apart from relying on their families to support themselves, they have no source of income and no security. Once the support is lost or the breadwinner is laid off, the difficulties will be even greater. There are many such people in cities and rural areas. The "in-system" personnel who retire early refer to the elderly who do not receive much pension (retirement salary). The difficulties can be imagined. The latter two types of people, including a large number of the elderly, weak, sick and disabled, are also vulnerable groups with little or no income. Laid-off workers are the most miserable vulnerable group in this era. They are a product of the reform of state-owned enterprises and government policies. Some of them in their 40s and 50s, from "iron rice bowls" to migrant workers, represent the process of China's reform and opening up and the difficulty of overcoming difficulties. But it is an undeniable fact that their lives are generally difficult. There are more ants living in the city. They are the youngest vulnerable group in contemporary China. They graduated from college and are aged 10 to 10 years old. They are born in the 1980s and 1990s. They are the so-called high-minded people. In the city, they live a humble life like ants, living in groups, moving, running around, working hard, and being weak. They "live" on the edge or in the middle of the city, but it is difficult for them to integrate into the city and buy a house to become a real city dweller. When China's huge social wealth is unknowingly plundered and divided by a few interest groups, this society is full of the weak and the strong, that is, there are no rules, no morality, no conscience, and the vast majority of people are the so-called weak. Groups are excluded from the game of wealth grabbing. When disadvantaged groups are treated as a burden rather than wealth and are abandoned, the foundation of social stability will naturally become increasingly fragile. Although rapid economic growth can beautify China's evolution, it is difficult to convince the vast number of disadvantaged groups who have been deprived of basic interests or ruthlessly abandoned during the rise. It was the dedication, endurance and sacrifice of the disadvantaged groups that brought China's prosperity and development, rather than the disadvantaged groups interfering or affecting China's rise. When interest groups are busy carving up rights and wealth under various banners, disadvantaged groups face the increasingly serious gap between the rich and the poor, social injustice, and judicial injustice. Faced with the antagonism between the rich and the poor, and between officials and civilians caused by the unfair distribution system, The huge contrast between cities and rural areas, coastal areas and inland areas, big cities and small cities! Facing the fact that social justice cannot be upheld, corruption cannot be punished, and the suffering of the people cannot be cared for, the vulnerable groups are not only disappointed and frustrated, but also do not have the right to cry out. Even if they petition or even criticize through normal channels, they are often regarded as Attacking the system can even endanger security. However, under the guise of stability and harmony, the powerful people who try their best to maintain the current system are actually engaging in squalid deeds of robbery and corruption. They have even transferred the huge wealth they plundered overseas, and have emigrated their families and relatives overseas. They have emptied China's social wealth, destroyed China's natural environment, hindered China's normal development, corrupted China's traditional morality, and suppressed a handful of powerful people while reducing nearly a billion people to vulnerable groups. Yuan Peng's anti-corruption campaign against vulnerable groups is a "hostile force." How many regimes in the world dare to treat the vast majority of the people as so-called "hostile forces"? Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than 200 senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels have been dismissed due to corruption, including party and state leaders and a large number of Central Committee alternate members. These corrupt gangs are the real "hostile forces". Judging from the cases that have been exposed, the "hostile forces" have various ways of amassing wealth. The wealth they have acquired has already exceeded the imagination of the world and exceeded all corrupt officials in Chinese history! Does the Minister of Education realize that the deepest penetration into China’s education system is the most harmful?的就是這樣的“敵對勢力”。


Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...