A taste of memories. I recommend beef soup that tastes better in the winter and is easy to eat for breakfast.

 When I was young, whenever I went to eat Gyeongyang-style pork cutlet, I wondered why the soup that came with it was so delicious. Even now, there are times when I crave Ottogi beef soup because of that memory. Originally, I mainly bought and ate the smallest 4-serving size, but the quantity was vague, so I had to eat it all at once, and the large size was much more economical, so I bought the bulk version once. I didn't know how much 1 kg was, but it's really a lot! Fortunately, the expiration date is 25 years, but I'm worried that I won't be able to eat it all before then haha. That's a lot of capacity. The price difference between the 500g and the 500g wasn't that big, so I thought about it and decided to go with this, but the 500g doesn't have a zipper bag with the entrance, so you need a separate sealing tool. I eat it by pouring it into a serving container. Every time I open the bag and eat it, powder flies and moisture enters, so I think it would be better to store it like this. It doesn't dissolve very well in water, so you need to stir it well with a whisk to prevent lumps. The taste is delicious, with a subtle beef flavor, savory, savory, and salty. Of course, it doesn't have a luxurious taste, but it tastes just like what you get at a pork cutlet restaurant. It tastes better with pepper. If you put the powder and hot water in a small cup and cook it in the microwave, it's easy to prepare without boiling, so it's good to eat as a substitute for busy breakfasts.

"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."

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