These abnormalities in the body indicate that your blood may be "bad"! If you don't take care of it before it's too late, you're going to get sick!

 Obviously everyone's body flows with blood, why some people don't get dizzy at the sight of blood and others get dizzy at the sight of it? Is this a disease?

 Why do people get dizzy? 

In fact, bloodsickness has little to do with blood itself. People who are bloodsick don't have problems with their blood; its essence is a phobia at the psychological level. Generally speaking, bloodsickness is the result of a combination of psychological and physiological factors.

From a psychological perspective, bloodsickness is a conscious activity of the cerebral cortex. After being exposed to blood, a person with bloodsickness will have his/her brain send out a command that prompts the secretion of relevant hormones to produce the symptoms of bloodsickness.

From the physiological mechanism, this manifestation is a shock symptom when the brain is partially ischemic due to strong mental stimulation caused by the high tension in the neurovascular system in the event of a sudden event - the "sight of blood" scenario.

When someone around the symptoms of bloodsickness, the patient should be moved to a safe environment, so that the patient to keep lying down, unbuttoned neck, to maintain the patient's breathing smoothly, at the same time should be gently patted on the patient's shoulder, and gently call the patient, usually a few minutes after the natural awakening.                 Protect your blood at all times "The Three Musketeers"

They are the hardest porters of the blood, working diligently every day, and they dare not slack off for a moment to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, and then send out the carbon dioxide produced by metabolism.

In red blood cells, there is an important protein called hemoglobin. Iron is an important raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin, if the body is deficient in iron for a long time, there will be a lack of raw materials for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which will affect the production and function of red blood cells, and cause anemia.

White blood cells can be said to be the body's defense against the virus, and when foreign enemies invade the body, it always rushes to the front line to fight.

There are also two teams of white blood cells - neutrophils and lymphocytes. They have a clear division of labor and a clear fighting strategy: neutrophils are responsible for attacking bacteria, while viruses are killed by lymphocytes. Once bacteria and viruses invade, they will engulf foreign bodies and produce antibodies to help the body defend against infection.

When we are injured and bleeding, platelets rush over to close the wound, and then the clotting factors stick to the platelets to "strengthen" the hemostatic effect.


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