Simplified Chinese information about Jack Ma, Ren Zhengfei and other historical information has been deleted and disappeared. What happened?

 Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the Chinese Internet about the sharp decline in simplified Chinese Internet information. Some netizens found that searching for "Jack Ma" on the search engine giant Baidu from 1998 to 2005 showed only one message; analysis pointed out that the reason was traditional text content. The site quickly dwindled and gradually died out.

According to a report from the Central News Agency today, China's simplified Chinese online information has plummeted, and historical information such as Jack Ma and Ren Zhengfei have disappeared. The report quoted the news from Radio Free Asia on the 24th. A recent article discussing China's "Chinese Internet is accelerating the collapse" went viral. The author of the article pointed out that searching for the two words "Jack Ma" on Baidu set the time in 1998. By 2005, the number of messages that could be searched was surprisingly not 10 million or 1 million, but the answer was 1.

In other words, if netizens want to obtain original information about Jack Ma’s experiences, reports, conversations and his development history around 2000, it is almost impossible. And it’s not just Jack Ma. Searches for well-known entrepreneurs such as Ma Huateng, Lei Jun, and Ren Zhengfei also have the same results.

The article points out that almost all simplified Chinese websites that were popular in that era, such as NetEase, Sohu, Campus BBS, Xici Hutong, Kaidi Maoyan, Tianya Forum, (Renren), Sina Blog, Baidu Tieba, and a large number of Personal websites, etc., the information has completely disappeared before a certain year.

The only exception is Sina. Some messages from more than ten years ago can still be found, but they are only a handful. More than 99.9999% of the other content has disappeared.

The article believes that the Chinese Internet is rapidly collapsing. In the past two years, the original information available on the Internet has been decreasing at a cliff-like rate every year.

The report quoted Feng Chongyi, a professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, as saying that this phenomenon makes people feel horrified and terrifying because of the system, whether it is economic or political considerations. From a political perspective, what was gray in the past has now become black. Nowadays, there are more surveillance, anti-espionage laws, etc., which make website operators overwhelmed and destroy information.

"Moonlight Blog", a WeChat public account that discusses technology, published a further analysis on the 25th. According to the Web Technology Surveys website, from 2013 to 2024, the language usage trend of web content on major websites has dropped from 4.3% to 1.3%. dropped by 70% in 10 years.

According to information from the China Internet Information Center, from December 2018 to December 2023, the number of websites in China dropped from 5.44 million to 3.88 million, a drop of nearly 30% in five years. This data reflects the decrease in the number of web pages. Serious situation.

The article points out that the number of Chinese Internet users has reached 1.092 billion, the Internet penetration rate has reached 76.4%, and the number of Internet users accounts for 19% of the world. However, the number of web pages has dropped by 70% in 10 years, and the number of websites has dropped by 30% in 5 years. This is indeed It shows that Chinese content websites are rapidly decreasing and gradually dying out.

China officially releases AI model "Chat Xi PT"

 A research institution affiliated with the Office of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Commission (State Internet Information Office), China’s cyber authority, recently released a large-scale artificial intelligence (AI) language model, claiming to be “safe and reliable,” but the corpus it is based on includes President Xi Jinping Political thought database, the British "Financial Times" calls this model "Chat Xi PT".

The British "Financial Times" reported on the 22nd that according to information released by the Cyberspace Administration of China's publication "China Cyberspace" on WeChat on the 20th, this large language model was developed by the "China Cyberspace Research Institute", a research institution under the Cyberspace Administration of China. The corpus From seven major Internet information professional knowledge bases, including the "Knowledge Base of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", the organization stated that "the professionalism and authoritativeness of the corpus ensure the professionalism of the generated content."

A source involved in the project said the new model is currently being trialled internally but could eventually be released for wider use.

The Financial Times pointed out that this is Beijing's latest attempt to control how artificial intelligence provides information to Chinese Internet users. The report called this large-scale language model "Chat Xi PT" and is China's response to the generative artificial intelligence robot developed by the US company OpenAI. ChatGPT's response.

The Chinese government has used a variety of methods to spread Xi Jinping's political, economic and cultural thoughts, including publishing books, launching the "Learn to Strengthen the Country" app, requiring 10-year-old schoolchildren to learn Xi Jinping Thought, and even writing Xi Jinping Thought into the constitution in 2018. In response to the rise of generative AI technology, the State Cyberspace Administration of China issued management measures that require such products “should reflect the core values of socialism” and the content generated “must not contain content that subverts state power.” Providers must generate products for their AI. Responsible for content.

Since there are not many Chinese corpora available for Chinese developers to train large language models, the "China Cyberspace Security Association" released the first batch of Chinese basic corpora at the end of last year, with more than 100 million pieces of data, claiming that it is "high quality and trustworthy" ".

However, according to the content of the database reviewed by the Financial Times, which is heavily drawn from government regulations, policy documents, state media reports and other official documents, one text file mentioned Xi Jinping as many as 86,314 times, such as "Unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core" and "ensure a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and actions."

"The sky is as red as blood" is a sign of great misfortune! Blood-red night sky appears again in Zhejiang, China


After two years, the blood-red night sky once again appeared in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China, which was very scary. In ancient China, "the sky is as red as blood" was regarded as a sign of great misfortune. On the evening of May 23, Zhoushan residents shared a video showing that the local sky suddenly turned blood red, like a doomsday scene. Many netizens said that this may be an ominous sign and that there may be a bloody disaster. On May 7, 2022, red skies also appeared in Putuo District, Zhoushan. A local elder said he had never seen such a scene in his life. On the 11th, blood-red skies were also seen in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, causing concern among local citizens. At that time, the CCP official came forward to “explain” that this was “caused by the refraction and scattering of red lights on offshore fishing vessels.” This statement was so far-fetched that it attracted ridicule from netizens. In the early morning of April 15 this year, citizens in Wuhan, Hubei Province also photographed a blood-red sky, which was very strange. The ancient Chinese believed that "the red ones lead to military shortages", so the blood moon and blood-colored sky were regarded as ominous signs, indicating disasters such as war disasters and droughts. "Yi Si Zhan" written by Li Chunfeng of the Tang Dynasty recorded: "When the red air comes out of the sky ship, there will be no one who can stand on his own within a year." "The red air is full of blood, which is like bleeding." "The red air covers the sun like blood. There is light, severe drought, and the people are hungry. "The red clouds are surrounding the east and west, and the country is losing soldiers."

How long can the stability of "West Korea" be maintained? Four years? Five years? Six years?

 The moment the constitutional amendment is successful, the countdown should begin.

Jiang served as the Supreme Emperor for several years, but no matter how long his hands were, he could not separate generations. Hu was so unsure that he was not even qualified to see the list.

There are still four years left until 2028. Will it be renewed for the fourth term then?

Although there have been several purges within the Chinese Communist Party, the renewal of the term has offended the interests of everyone outside his own group, but he did not raise the issue for the sake of maintaining stability within the party.

To put it bluntly, the fourth term will be the second Putin. He directly declares that he will extinguish the little flame of hope of the non-Xi faction. Anyone who does not kneel to him will be waiting to die.

To put it bluntly, the current party is a big company. Although there are conflicts between shareholders and management, and there may be conflicts between the chairman/CEO and the company’s core management, the ultimate goal is that the company is stable and profitable, and everyone can live better. .

But for the fourth term, the company has changed from a company to a family. If some people don’t want to be a "family" and the "family" cannot accommodate some people, it doesn’t matter whether the company lives or survives. how many.

We have worked so hard to amend the constitution. How can we live up to the example set by Putin if we don’t continue our efforts?

In order to sit for five more years, you have resisted the constitutional amendment. Even if you don’t sit in the fourth term just for the sake of appearance, you must at least arrange for an obedient person to listen to the politics behind the curtain, right?

Thinking about what happened to Jiang and Hu, and how he managed to do so, would he let go of the power he had seized? Once you let go, how can you ensure that you are not a fool? Not Jiang? Not even thin?

Before he came on stage, he was so obedient that Jiang felt he could control him. How could he trust that the puppet he was supporting was not the same person as before?

In fact, the feudal dynasty of more than two thousand years has demonstrated it countless times. How many biological fathers and sons can't trust each other and smoothly transfer power, let alone now?

Seeing that the building was crumbling, it was difficult to bear the burden of dragging the family with them.

Cambodia builds Chinese-style "Great Firewall", critics call it "a disaster for human rights"

 The Cambodian government has announced that it will establish a Chinese-style Internet portal that will allow surveillance and control of Internet use, and critics fear that the democratic freedoms of the Cambodian people will be threatened.

Prime Minister Hun Sen signed the decree on Internet portals on Wednesday (February 17), saying that the decree aims to promote and manage Internet connections to improve taxation, protect national security, and maintain social order.

Reuters reported that the order requires Internet service providers to connect their services to the national Internet portal within one year and requires service providers to let users fill out online forms with the correct identity.

If the network connection portal fails, the service provider's operating license will be revoked and bank accounts will be frozen.

Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan told AFP on Wednesday that authorities "will eliminate those (Internet) users who want to rebel against the government."

Prime Minister Hun Sen has cracked down on dissent in recent years, with some even jailed. Just in 2017, the Supreme Court of Cambodia also ruled to dissolve the Cambodian opposition party, the CNRP. Hun Sen's government's actions also drew criticism from the international community.

Emerlynne Gil, Amnesty International's deputy regional director, said Cambodia's new internet portal was a "disaster for human rights," Reuters reported.

Gill said "this development is particularly worrying" against the backdrop of escalating repression against human rights defenders, mass trials of opposition supporters and the growing number of prisoners of conscience.

The Cambodian government's new national internet portal will enable the government to increase online surveillance, censorship and control of the internet, which would be a serious violation of free speech and privacy rights, New York-based Human Rights Watch said Thursday.

Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said: “Cambodia’s new national internet portal will strengthen the government’s ability to block online content and allow independent voices, including the media, political opposition and civil society groups, to gain access to Politically motivated restrictions.”

Dissatisfied with the United States, Japan and South Korea's congratulations on the inauguration of Taiwan's president, China protests that it "violates the one-China principle"

 Taiwan President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Meiqin were officially sworn in on May 20. More than 500 foreign guests from various countries visited Taiwan to observe the ceremony. China was dissatisfied with this. The embassies in Japan and South Korea expressed strong protest and criticized the host countries for "violating the one-China principle." On Tuesday (May 21), the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the congratulatory statement issued by the US Secretary of State and criticized the US for violating its commitments.

On the day Lai was inaugurated, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a congratulatory statement.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this at a regular meeting on Tuesday, and has lodged stern representations with the United States. Wang Wenbin said that the US approach seriously violated the "one-China principle" and the three Sino-US joint communiqués, seriously violated the political commitment of "only maintaining cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the Taiwan region", and sent a seriously wrong signal to the Taiwan independence separatist forces.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that China has always firmly opposed any form of official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan and urged the United States to correct its mistakes immediately.

According to Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 51 groups and a total of 508 foreign guests participated in the inauguration ceremony and related activities held in Taipei, including heads of state from eight diplomatic countries and guests from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea and Singapore.

Among them, the Japanese delegation is the largest, including 31 Japanese cross-party members of Congress. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Masaru also publicly congratulated Lai on his appointment and said, "Taiwan is a partner and friend who shares basic values, has close economic relations, and has very important personnel exchanges."

In response, the Chinese Embassy in Japan protested and stated that it had lodged stern representations with Japan. The statement said: "The Japanese government and some politicians have ignored China's strong opposition and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, violating the one-China principle and seriously violating the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan and Japan's commitments on the Taiwan issue."

The Chinese Embassy in Japan also held a symposium on "Taiwan Issues and Sino-Japanese Relations" on the same day that Lai Qingde took office, and also mobilized Japanese overseas Chinese groups to issue a "Statement on Promoting Unification."

In his speech at the symposium, Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao criticized Japanese lawmakers for "blatantly supporting Taiwan independence separatist forces" and "releasing an extremely wrong political signal."

Wu Jianghao warned more sternly: "If Japan ties itself onto the chariot of splitting China, the Japanese people will be led into a pit of fire. ...No one should underestimate the strong determination and will of the Chinese government and people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. ability."

Cho Kyung-tae, a member of the National Power Congress of South Korea's ruling party, and others also visited Taiwan to attend Lai Ching-de's inauguration. The Chinese Embassy in South Korea issued a statement on its official WeChat account on Tuesday (May 21) criticizing: "Zhao Qingtai and others ignored China's objections and insisted on visiting Taiwan, violating the one-China principle and the spirit of the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and South Korea."

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in South Korea said that this sent a seriously wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence separatist forces". China firmly opposed and condemned it and lodged a solemn protest against South Korea.

In his inauguration speech, Lai Ching-te said that the new government's cross-strait policy will adhere to the tone of neither being humble nor overbearing and maintaining the status quo, and called on China to show sincerity and cooperate reciprocally with Taiwan's democratically elected government. Lai Qingde also showed his goodwill and proposed to promote exchanges between tourists and degree students.

However, China's negative attitude towards Taiwan has not eased and it has further warned countries that interact with Taiwan. China's official Xinhua News Agency published a comment late on the night of the 20th criticizing Lai Qingde for being "unprecedented in his uniqueness". He not only blatantly promoted the "two-state theory", but also "emboldened foreign countries" to cater to the anti-China forces in the United States and the West.

Both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of China criticized in their responses that "Taiwan independence is a dead end." The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council condemned the exchanges between other countries and Taiwan, saying that the DPP "colluded with external forces" and continued to seek independence and provocation, expand the so-called "international space" and undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region.

If there are "4 blacks" in the body, it is either a serious illness or cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 While the color has no absolute meaning, black is often associated with negative things.

In art and literature, black is often used to enhance the effect of death and horror.

When black appears on our bodies, what might it mean?

1. Darkening of lips

The depth of lip color mainly depends on the thickness of the skin and the number of blood vessels, and everyone's lip color is different.

Normally, the lip color of a healthy person should be light red.

If your lip color continues to be darker or darker, you may need to pay attention to the following three health issues:

1. Digestive system problems

If the digestive system is abnormal for a long time and cannot effectively eliminate metabolic waste, toxins may reach the lips through blood circulation, causing the lip color to darken.

For example, indigestion or chronic constipation are often accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite.

Some patients with small intestinal polyps will have dark spots on their lower lip. If you have purple-black or solid black spots on your lips, this could be a sign of small intestinal polyps.

2. Cardiovascular problems

Insufficient blood supply to the heart or blocked blood circulation will cause the body to be deprived of oxygen, and the blood oxygen saturation around the lips will be reduced, which may make the lips darken.

For example, conditions such as hemangioma, heart disease, or myocarditis can cause this condition.

3. Liver problems

The liver is the metabolic center and main detoxification organ of the human body. Impaired liver function can lead to hormone level imbalance and metabolic abnormalities, which can cause melanin to accumulate in the body and cause lip color to deepen.

Especially for patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, their faces may become dull and black, and melanin may also appear around the eyes and lips, forming the so-called "liver disease face."

2. Dark neck

Some people always seem to have dark spots on the back and sides of their necks that cannot be removed even if they are washed. This may not be tanning, but a sign of a disease.

This condition, known as acanthosis nigricans, is a skin disease caused by excessive pigmentation. Its color may vary from light brown to black, and the skin may exhibit the following features:

The skin surface shows orange peel-like changes or velvet-like thickening;

The texture is soft and usually distributed symmetrically;

It feels grainy and rough to the touch;

Papillary growths may appear.

Although acanthosis nigricans itself is benign and mainly affects the appearance and does not cause other harm, its occurrence usually means that there may be abnormalities in the body's endocrine and metabolism.

1. Diabetes

In the early stages of diabetes, fasting blood glucose levels may be higher than normal even if the diagnostic criteria for diabetes have not yet been met.

Insulin resistance will prevent the normal binding of insulin to its receptors. Excess insulin interacts with insulin-like growth factor-1 receptors in peripheral tissues (such as skeletal muscle, fat, liver) to promote the proliferation of skin keratinocytes and fibroblasts.

Without timely intervention, the risk of diabetes will be greatly increased, as will the likelihood of acanthosis nigricans.

2. Polycystic ovary syndrome

The main symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstruation and hyperandrogenism, but because it is essentially a collection of metabolic problems, many patients also have obesity and insulin resistance.

Clinical observations show that up to one-third of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome also suffer from acanthosis nigricans.

3. Visceral tumors

If the dark skin folds are widespread and accompanied by strong itching, this may be a sign of malignant acanthosis nigricans.

Malignant acanthosis nigricans is usually caused by visceral tumors, with about 50% probability of being related to gastric cancer. Other possible related diseases include bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer and ovarian cancer. Middle-aged, older people and people with a lower body weight need to pay special attention to this symptom.

3. Black lines on fingernails

Black lines on fingernails are usually onychomycosis formed by an increase in pigment cells within the nail. This nevus may appear on any fingernail, but is especially common on the thumb, index finger, and first toe.

The width of onychomycosis generally does not exceed 3 mm, with neat edges, even pigment distribution, and slow widening.

It should be noted that if the black line on the nail (toe) suddenly becomes wider than 3 mm, or multiple intermittent strips of different colors appear, or the skin at the root of the nail (toe) turns black, these may is a sign of melanoma.

The pigment cells under the nail are usually inactive, but inflammation can activate these cells, causing gray or dark gray lines on the nail. Daily activities, such as doing laundry or washing dishes, can also cause this phenomenon.

Onychomycosis is usually darker in color, while lines caused by inflammation are lighter in color. If black lines appear on multiple fingernails at the same time, the possibility of onychomycosis is low.

4. Black stool

Normal stool color should be yellow or tan, due to the action of bilirubin in bile. Eating animal offal, blood products, or taking iron supplements may temporarily turn your stool black.

If food and medication have been eliminated and persistent or intermittent darkening of the stool remains, this is usually a sign of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which may involve the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum.

If blood stays in the intestine for too long, it will cause the destruction of red blood cells, and hemoglobin will combine with sulfide to form black iron sulfide, making the stool black.

Of particular concern are gastrointestinal cancers:

Stomach cancer may present as black stool, persistent stomach pain, and vomiting blood.

Colorectal cancer may present with black stools and persistent difficulty with bowel movements.

These symptoms require prompt medical examination.


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