Uremia and Foods to Limit....

 Uremia is the final stage of kidney failure, where the kidneys are unable to remove waste products and excess fluids from the body, leading to a buildup of toxins and complications. The prevalence of uremia has been increasing in recent years, placing a significant burden on patients and their families.

Dietary management plays a crucial role in the treatment of uremia. Patients with uremia should adhere to the following dietary principles:

  • Low-protein diet: Protein is an essential nutrient, but its breakdown products, such as urea nitrogen, can further strain the kidneys. Therefore, uremia patients should restrict protein intake based on their individual condition. Generally, a daily protein intake of 0.6-0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is recommended.

  • Low-phosphorus diet: Phosphorus is a vital component of bones, but excessive phosphorus levels can lead to hyperphosphatemia, causing vascular calcification, arrhythmias, and other complications. Hence, uremia patients should limit phosphorus intake. A daily phosphorus intake of 400-800 milligrams is generally recommended.

  • Low-potassium diet: Potassium is an important electrolyte, but elevated potassium levels can result in hyperkalemia, leading to muscle paralysis, arrhythmias, and even death. Therefore, uremia patients should restrict potassium intake. A daily potassium intake of less than 2000 milligrams is generally recommended.

  • Low-sodium diet: Sodium is an essential electrolyte, but excessive sodium intake can cause edema, hypertension, and other complications. Therefore, uremia patients should limit sodium intake. A daily sodium intake of less than 6 grams is generally recommended.

Uremia patients should minimize their consumption of the following foods:

  • High-protein foods: Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and legumes are all high-protein foods that should be limited in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-phosphorus foods: Animal organ meats, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and chocolate are all high-phosphorus foods that should be restricted in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-potassium foods: Bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and celery are all high-potassium foods that should be limited in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-sodium foods: Pickles, cured meats, sausages, and canned foods are all high-sodium foods that should be restricted in the diet of uremia patients.

In addition to these dietary modifications, uremia patients should also consider the following:

  • Regular follow-ups: Uremia patients should undergo regular checkups to monitor their condition and adjust their dietary plan accordingly.

  • Maintaining a positive mindset: Uremia is a chronic disease, and patients should maintain a positive outlook and actively participate in their treatment.

20-year-old Japanese woman asked multiple people to assault her。。。。。。。。

A Japanese woman was dragged into a car by two "strange men" on her way to get off work, and they took turns raping her.

Seeing this, many people were very angry and accused the man of being worse than a beast.

However, as the police conducted an in-depth investigation, they discovered that something was fishy.

By comparing video surveillance, the police immediately identified the two suspects and interrogated them.

The next scene made people dumbfounded. The inside story exposed by the two men turned the incident around.

"The girl asked us to rape her."

"Although it felt baffling, we just did it because it was fun."

It turned out that the girl once posted on the Internet: "I hope someone will drive me away and rape me."

When the incident was discovered, even the police were shocked.

Just when everyone was puzzled by the girl's behavior, the girl confessed the reason:

"Because I don't want to go to work and arouse my boyfriend's concern."

How to get rid of a life where the busier you get, the poorer you get, and the poorer you get, the busier you get?

 Someone's life is getting worse and worse. Is it because he didn't do a good job?

Luotuo Xiangzi never understood until his death why he worked hard to pull a cart but could not earn a cart of his own.

In the end, he married Huniu and fell in love with a rich woman, who bought him a car.

Little did they know that Hu Niu ate too much and became too fat during pregnancy, which resulted in a difficult delivery.

After Huniu died, Xiangzi had to sell the car to pay for the funeral and other expenses.

Xiangzi, who did not smoke, drink, gamble, or have any bad habits, worked hard. He only focused on his car, but in the end he lost it. He tried his best to change the current situation of poverty...

Isn’t that true for many of us?

Some people work hard all their lives but never own a house of their own, and experts say they don't work hard enough.

Some people never get a wife in their life, and are ridiculed by others for not working hard enough.

Some people spend their whole lives driving screws in a car factory and never have a car of their own. Is this because he doesn't work hard enough?

Why do so many people fall into the trap of becoming busier as they get poorer, and getting poorer as they get busier?

After my thinking about this society, I summarized it as follows:

Before summarizing, let’s take “Camel Xiangzi” as an example.

Huniu lost her mother since she was a child and has been living with her father Liu Siye.

Fourth Master Liu is considered a figure in the capital. How did Fourth Master Liu make his fortune in the circumstances at that time?

It’s not hard work anyway.

It’s very clear in the book, so I won’t go into it here.

After Huniu marries him, Xiangzi can take advantage of Huniu's platform to rise from a coolie to a car dealership manager.

But Xiangzi thinks that this is a soft rice, and the waist is not straight. The problem is that you have married Huniu, and you have already put on the hat of a soft rice, so what do you care about?

Is face so important?

Hu Niu didn't buy your car for you.

Therefore, some people have been living in their own small world and wishful thinking.

This is the reason why the busier we are, the poorer we become.

How to get rid of the "poor and busy" life?

1. Think about yourself.

The old, stereotyped thinking must be changed. Empty out the old routine and embrace the new way of thinking, and you will be a new you.

2. Think about human nature.

Human nature is selfish, likes to take advantage, and often loses oneself and achieves others. Therefore, we must make use of people's hearts, start from altruism, and start from the present. Where the heart is, there is hope.

3. Think about society.

Remember a sentence: A man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat without night grass. The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. If you want to make a little money, learn from Xiangzi and pull a cart. If you want to make a lot of money, you must understand the overt and covert laws of society and the truth, and then bravely go for it.

When men take a shower, try to wash these two "places" as often as possible, which may make your body healthier.

 In daily life, bathing is one of the essential hygiene habits for everyone. However, many people may not realize that when taking a bath, especially men, it may be more beneficial to health to focus on cleaning certain parts while cleaning the body. This article will focus on two parts that men need to pay special attention to cleaning when taking a bath, they are the waist and ears.

................................................................. ................................................................. ............The first part: waist

The waist is an important part of the human body, connecting the upper and lower bodies. It also plays an important role in supporting the body and protecting internal organs. However, because the waist is located at the turning point of the human body, it is easy for sweat, sebum and bacteria to accumulate. If not cleaned in time, bacteria can easily breed, causing skin infection, pain and discomfort and other problems. In addition, not cleaning the waist for a long time may also affect the health of waist muscles and joints, increasing the risk of waist pain.

................................................................. ................................................................. ..... Therefore, it is recommended that men pay special attention to cleaning their waists when taking a bath. You can use warm water and an appropriate amount of shower gel to thoroughly clean the skin on your waist. Pay attention to scrubbing with your fingers to ensure that dirt and bacteria are completely removed. In addition, after taking a bath, dry your waist with a clean towel in time to avoid the chance of bacterial growth caused by residual moisture.

................................................................. ................................................................. ............Second part: ears

The ear is one of the sensory organs of the human body. It is not only responsible for the hearing function, but is also closely related to the balance function of the human body. However, many people often neglect to clean their ears when taking a bath, which leads to the accumulation of earwax and even causes ear infections, hearing loss and other problems.

In fact, although earwax is a natural protective substance, excessive earwax accumulation will not only affect hearing, but also easily breed bacteria and cause ear infections. Therefore, men should pay attention to cleaning their ears thoroughly when taking a bath. You can use cotton swabs to gently wipe the auricle and the opening of the external auditory canal, but do not insert the cotton swab deep into the ear canal to avoid damaging the internal tissues of the ear.

In addition, you can also use warm water and shower gel to clean the skin around the ears when taking a bath to ensure that the ears are clean and healthy. After taking a bath, remember to gently dry your ears with a clean towel to avoid moisture retention inside the ears.

 Generally speaking, men should pay attention to cleaning their waist and ears when taking a bath. This not only helps to keep the body clean and healthy, but also prevents some potential diseases. health problems. Therefore, I hope that every male friend can develop good bathing habits in daily life and maintain physical health and comfort.

55 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago.

 1. Get enough sleep

In our daily lives, many people have the habit of staying up late. Staying up late seems to be a common occurrence for everyone, but every time you stay up late is a challenge to your health, and every time you can't put down your mobile phone, it may be a threat to your life. Perfunctory.

Staying up late often can accelerate body aging, affect the repair of various organs and tissues, and increase body damage.

Therefore, for people, after the age of 55, you must not stay up late, and you must maintain adequate and regular sleep, which can more effectively enhance immunity and help repair damaged tissues and organs, so as to live a healthy and long life.

2. Regular physical examination

As age increases, especially after the age of 55, people's physical functions begin to gradually decline, and various chronic and basic diseases also occur.

At this time, it is particularly important to insist on physical examination. Through physical examination, physical problems can be detected early and effective treatment measures can be taken in time to prevent small problems from turning into big problems, thereby more effectively helping people maintain health and longevity.

At the same time, we should also avoid taboos about practicing medicine. Many elderly friends choose not to go for a physical examination because they are worried about what problems may occur during the examination, or are afraid of spending money. This approach is very wrong. If you refuse examination and treatment out of fear, your condition may worsen. , ultimately paying a higher price.

3. Eat regularly


Everyone has heard the saying "diseases come from the mouth". In fact, many diseases may indeed be caused by "eating".

Especially for the elderly, they must eat reasonably after the age of 55. Many elderly people are particularly afraid of the coming of chronic diseases. Many people even choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat in order to prevent the disease from coming. However, this behavior will It is easy to reduce immunity and is not conducive to personal health.

In terms of diet, it is recommended that everyone finally consume nutrients and not eat specific foods, nor be picky or picky eaters. This will easily reduce the intake of nutrients and ultimately lead to malnutrition, which is also detrimental to physical health.

4. Good mentality

According to relevant clinical studies, it is shown that the quality of emotions is closely related to the health of the body. When the body maintains a huge high-pressure state for a long time, it will easily lead to metabolic disorders and endocrine disruption. normal operation.

Clinical psychology believes that bad emotions will hinder emotional communication, bring chronic diseases to various tissues and organs of the body, and shorten life span.

Developing a good attitude also produces certain antibodies against pathogens produced by the body. A healthy and optimistic attitude can be more conducive to health care and longevity.

Best Photojournalism Award..2024

These abnormalities in the body indicate that your blood may be "bad"! If you don't take care of it before it's too late, you're going to get sick!

 Obviously everyone's body flows with blood, why some people don't get dizzy at the sight of blood and others get dizzy at the sight of it? Is this a disease?

 Why do people get dizzy? 

In fact, bloodsickness has little to do with blood itself. People who are bloodsick don't have problems with their blood; its essence is a phobia at the psychological level. Generally speaking, bloodsickness is the result of a combination of psychological and physiological factors.

From a psychological perspective, bloodsickness is a conscious activity of the cerebral cortex. After being exposed to blood, a person with bloodsickness will have his/her brain send out a command that prompts the secretion of relevant hormones to produce the symptoms of bloodsickness.

From the physiological mechanism, this manifestation is a shock symptom when the brain is partially ischemic due to strong mental stimulation caused by the high tension in the neurovascular system in the event of a sudden event - the "sight of blood" scenario.

When someone around the symptoms of bloodsickness, the patient should be moved to a safe environment, so that the patient to keep lying down, unbuttoned neck, to maintain the patient's breathing smoothly, at the same time should be gently patted on the patient's shoulder, and gently call the patient, usually a few minutes after the natural awakening.                 Protect your blood at all times "The Three Musketeers"

They are the hardest porters of the blood, working diligently every day, and they dare not slack off for a moment to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, and then send out the carbon dioxide produced by metabolism.

In red blood cells, there is an important protein called hemoglobin. Iron is an important raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin, if the body is deficient in iron for a long time, there will be a lack of raw materials for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which will affect the production and function of red blood cells, and cause anemia.

White blood cells can be said to be the body's defense against the virus, and when foreign enemies invade the body, it always rushes to the front line to fight.

There are also two teams of white blood cells - neutrophils and lymphocytes. They have a clear division of labor and a clear fighting strategy: neutrophils are responsible for attacking bacteria, while viruses are killed by lymphocytes. Once bacteria and viruses invade, they will engulf foreign bodies and produce antibodies to help the body defend against infection.

When we are injured and bleeding, platelets rush over to close the wound, and then the clotting factors stick to the platelets to "strengthen" the hemostatic effect.



Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...