Spanish police arrest Chinese scammer

Chinese people go to foreign countries to deceive Chinese people. According to the Spanish police announcement, the police arrested more than 200 Chinese citizens in different locations in Spain. These people were suspected of defrauding 16 million euros from victims in China. Spanish National Police Chief Quirós said at a press conference on Wednesday (December 14) that thousands of Chinese citizens, mainly poor families, were defrauded of their small savings, and some committed suicide as a result. . According to reports, these criminal gangs usually call victims in China, pretending to be the victims' neighbors, friends and family members, and first warn them about fraud crimes. The criminal gang then made phone calls pretending to be police officers investigating fraud crimes and tricked the victims into depositing money into their designated bank accounts to assist in the investigation. On Tuesday, 600 Spanish police officers dismantled 13 dens set up by criminals to make fraudulent calls in the capital Madrid and the eastern cities of Barcelona and Alicante. These phone stations are generally located in high-end villas in high-end residential areas. Chinese authorities informed Spanish police in July that many Chinese citizens had been targeted by phone scams originating from Spain. Spanish police said all the arrested suspects were Chinese citizens who entered Spain as tourists and then stayed.

Who are China’s “hostile forces”?

                Who are China’s “hostile forces”? The Minister of Education recently insisted that “the education system is the first target for infiltration by hostile forces.” Professor Zhang Ming from Renmin University asked on Weibo: "Since the education sector is the focus of infiltration by hostile forces, can you tell us which countries this hostile force includes? How many teachers are hostile elements in the education sector? Proportion, who are there?" "Hostile forces" in China can always find opportunities to take advantage of it, ranging from ethnic issues to upper-level power struggles, to citizens' rights protection and even explosions, fires, bridge demolitions, urban management beatings, etc. There are always voices coming out that are related to so-called "hostile forces." Including the smog we breathe, the poisonous food we eat, the lack of free compulsory education, the lack of assistance for serious illnesses, the lack of guaranteed pensions, and even the fact that we cannot afford to buy a house, see a doctor, or study, especially from top to bottom. The corruption that is obvious to all in the country may be inseparable from "hostile forces". On July 31 this year, "People's Daily" published an important article by Yuan Peng, director of the American Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. The article listed five major "hostile forces" that the United States is using to hinder China's rise, including rights protection. Lawyers, underground religions, dissidents, online leaders, vulnerable groups. According to Director Yuan's analysis, it is estimated that more than 90% of the people in China belong to "hostile forces." The so-called dissidents are nothing more than people who criticize the party and the government or a certain person. During the Mao Zedong period, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and even Zhu Rongji were all dissidents. As for the so-called vulnerable groups, except for the powerful and powerful, billions of people are probably vulnerable groups. Director Yuan's thinking may still be stuck in the era when class struggle was clear between ourselves and the enemy. It is no wonder that his views are actually just those of the powerful. What is a "vulnerable group"? There is no official definition. In 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji mentioned (or restored) the term "vulnerable groups" for the first time in the "Two Sessions" and "Government Work Report" before leaving office. At that time, it mainly affected four types of people: laid-off workers and those "outside the system" people, migrant workers in cities, and early-retired “in-system” personnel. This statement is actually not accurate, and vulnerable groups can be extended to a wider range. From laid-off workers, it can be extended to the unemployed, semi-unemployed and unemployed. The term "unemployed" has been officially used for a long time. It refers to people who have reached the working age but are unable to find a job. Now it is said that it has been included in the scope of the unemployed. After graduating from college, they cannot find a job for a long time and are also unemployed. Semi-employed people generally refer to their unstable occupation and unstable income, sometimes more and sometimes less. These are the same as laid-off workers, who used to be employed but are now unemployed. Their origins are different, but their current situation is the same. From migrant workers in cities, it can be extended to a considerable number of farmers. Migrant workers who work in cities can earn more than farming and have better employment opportunities. But they do the most tiring, painful, dirty and dangerous work, and receive the lowest wages, most of which are in arrears for a long time. Those farmers who have not left the countryside are in an equally difficult situation. They cultivate a small amount of land and can only survive hard. There are also farmers who have lost their fields and have limited compensation, and have long been reduced to vulnerable groups. The so-called "outside the system" people are actually unemployed. They have not lost their jobs, but they have never worked in any unit. These people basically have no income, and rarely do they have it. Apart from relying on their families to support themselves, they have no source of income and no security. Once the support is lost or the breadwinner is laid off, the difficulties will be even greater. There are many such people in cities and rural areas. The "in-system" personnel who retire early refer to the elderly who do not receive much pension (retirement salary). The difficulties can be imagined. The latter two types of people, including a large number of the elderly, weak, sick and disabled, are also vulnerable groups with little or no income. Laid-off workers are the most miserable vulnerable group in this era. They are a product of the reform of state-owned enterprises and government policies. Some of them in their 40s and 50s, from "iron rice bowls" to migrant workers, represent the process of China's reform and opening up and the difficulty of overcoming difficulties. But it is an undeniable fact that their lives are generally difficult. There are more ants living in the city. They are the youngest vulnerable group in contemporary China. They graduated from college and are aged 10 to 10 years old. They are born in the 1980s and 1990s. They are the so-called high-minded people. In the city, they live a humble life like ants, living in groups, moving, running around, working hard, and being weak. They "live" on the edge or in the middle of the city, but it is difficult for them to integrate into the city and buy a house to become a real city dweller. When China's huge social wealth is unknowingly plundered and divided by a few interest groups, this society is full of the weak and the strong, that is, there are no rules, no morality, no conscience, and the vast majority of people are the so-called weak. Groups are excluded from the game of wealth grabbing. When disadvantaged groups are treated as a burden rather than wealth and are abandoned, the foundation of social stability will naturally become increasingly fragile. Although rapid economic growth can beautify China's evolution, it is difficult to convince the vast number of disadvantaged groups who have been deprived of basic interests or ruthlessly abandoned during the rise. It was the dedication, endurance and sacrifice of the disadvantaged groups that brought China's prosperity and development, rather than the disadvantaged groups interfering or affecting China's rise. When interest groups are busy carving up rights and wealth under various banners, disadvantaged groups face the increasingly serious gap between the rich and the poor, social injustice, and judicial injustice. Faced with the antagonism between the rich and the poor, and between officials and civilians caused by the unfair distribution system, The huge contrast between cities and rural areas, coastal areas and inland areas, big cities and small cities! Facing the fact that social justice cannot be upheld, corruption cannot be punished, and the suffering of the people cannot be cared for, the vulnerable groups are not only disappointed and frustrated, but also do not have the right to cry out. Even if they petition or even criticize through normal channels, they are often regarded as Attacking the system can even endanger security. However, under the guise of stability and harmony, the powerful people who try their best to maintain the current system are actually engaging in squalid deeds of robbery and corruption. They have even transferred the huge wealth they plundered overseas, and have emigrated their families and relatives overseas. They have emptied China's social wealth, destroyed China's natural environment, hindered China's normal development, corrupted China's traditional morality, and suppressed a handful of powerful people while reducing nearly a billion people to vulnerable groups. Yuan Peng's anti-corruption campaign against vulnerable groups is a "hostile force." How many regimes in the world dare to treat the vast majority of the people as so-called "hostile forces"? Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than 200 senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels have been dismissed due to corruption, including party and state leaders and a large number of Central Committee alternate members. These corrupt gangs are the real "hostile forces". Judging from the cases that have been exposed, the "hostile forces" have various ways of amassing wealth. The wealth they have acquired has already exceeded the imagination of the world and exceeded all corrupt officials in Chinese history! Does the Minister of Education realize that the deepest penetration into China’s education system is the most harmful?的就是這樣的“敵對勢力”。

Rental children in a county in Hunan, China, have become popular in theft: 50,000 yuan a year, many people "get rich"

The girl Qingqing is from Daoxian County, Yongzhou. She is about 7 years old this year. Her mother has given birth to 6 children and rents her out for 50,000 yuan a year for a long term and 100 or 200 yuan a day for a short term. The aunties who rented her out taught her how to quickly stuff the cell phone or wallet on the table into her clothes when no one was prepared. A little girl who was with her was returned because she was "unskilled", and another little boy was returned because he was "too skilled and the price was too high" - some women use pregnancy or lactation as a cover to commit theft. To evade punishment, after giving birth to a child, let the child learn stealing skills, and then rent it out to make money when it is older. Some people "make a fortune" in this way, causing more people to follow suit, and they are not ashamed but proud. ——If heaven wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy. In this era where poverty is laughed at but not prostitution, everyone does whatever it takes to make money, even destroying the next generation. What a wolf-hearted parent. The inevitable result of emphasizing economics and underestimating morality. Since the reform and opening up, morality has declined and ethics have been deteriorating. Who can retain the little kindness and conscience in people's hearts! This type of incident is not the only thing that makes people hateful.

Why was the Old Summer Palace burned?

In history textbooks, the image of China is that of a pure and refined girl. The British, French, American and Japanese outside are all coquettish bitches who bully us all day long and are obsessed with destroying themselves. In 1860, the British and French forces invaded Beijing and burned the Old Summer Palace. This incident is the best example of what a coquettish bitch they are.

The Chinese people gnashed their teeth when talking about this incident. It was written into the history books as a national humiliation. However, there is one question we seem to have overlooked: why did the British and French forces burn the Old Summer Palace instead of the Forbidden City after they invaded Beijing?

Logically speaking, the Forbidden City is an imperial palace and a symbol of the power of the Qing Dynasty. Since it is going to be set on fire, it should be placed here. Moreover, the Old Summer Palace is located in Haidian today. In the Qing Dynasty, it was still a suburb of Beijing. It takes more than ten stops to get there by subway. The coalition forces had already reached the gates of the Forbidden City. Why didn't they burn the Forbidden City along the way, but instead went to the suburbs to burn an emperor's private leisure and entertainment place?

In history books, this period of history is not detailed. More than ten years ago, Zhang Tielin and Liu Xiaoqing starred in the movie "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace". The movie did not explain why the Old Summer Palace was burned down. It seemed that the Old Summer Palace was burned down inexplicably. The real reason why the Old Summer Palace was burned seems to have been deliberately hidden by us, and there are some things that are difficult to talk about. So why did the British and French forces burn the Old Summer Palace instead of the Forbidden City?

It's actually not complicated to say the matter. After the Opium War, China and Britain signed the Treaty of Nanjing. Twelve years later, the British came again to cause trouble and demanded an amendment to the treaty. What is a contract amendment? The British feel that the Treaty of Nanjing has been signed for more than ten years, so the Qing Dynasty should understand the benefits of free trade, right? Then the five treaty ports of Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai that were opened for the first time were not enough. The British hoped that the Qing Dynasty would open up the whole country. If this was not possible, all coastal cities and cities along the Yangtze River would be opened. That's ok too.

Moreover, the "Treaty of Nanjing" stipulates that the British can only move in these five cities and cannot go to other cities in China. The British hope to be able to travel unimpeded throughout China this time. Also, it is best for the two countries to send ministers to each other. I send an ambassador to Beijing and you send an ambassador to London to facilitate the two countries' diplomacy. In addition, the British also hoped to personally deliver government documents to the Qing Emperor. The British previously wanted to hold exchange meetings with the top leaders of the Qing Dynasty, but there was no way. The Qing Emperor was not seen at all, and officials at all levels also played ball. Human reason, the British are all empty-handed because of this.

These are the main contents of the treaty. According to the summary of the modern history master Mr. Jiang Tingfu: "The ambassador is stationed in Beijing, the parade in the interior, and the Yangtze River trade are the center of the dispute between the two parties." From an international perspective, this is a normal thing , whether today or a hundred years ago, these have long become a consensus. But the problem is that the Qing Dynasty that the British faced was an arrogant and arrogant government. The Qing Dynasty has always believed that it is the common master of the world and the father of everyone in the world. Britain, France, and the United States are all overseas vassal states. He is our son, and his son should respect his father well, keep his head down and be a good person, and don't take it seriously if he causes trouble. This is why the Qing government did not learn its lesson after the Opium War.

Among these items, the one that the Qing Dynasty resisted the most was for the minister to be stationed in Beijing and deliver the credentials in person, because the British firmly refused to kowtow. If you want to hand over the credentials in person and don’t kowtow, just dream. Don't underestimate this, it can be said to be the cause of the war later. Why did the Qing government have to have foreigners kowtow? Because kowtow is more than just an action. It is a manifestation of the Qing emperor’s grace and the basis of the legitimacy of the government. Foreigners are originally overseas vassals, and they have no reason not to kneel down when they see the common master of the world. Moreover, the people of our country have been kowtowing for hundreds of years. What if you foreigners don’t kowtow and are seen by us people, and the people wake up? The Qing government required foreigners not only to kowtow, but also to kneel three times and kowtow nine times. Those who did not bend down enough would not be counted. All other terms can be negotiated, but the Qing government insisted on this one unwaveringly for two hundred years.

So it's already obvious how things are going to play out. The British came to ask for an amendment to the treaty. The Qing government said, as for foreign affairs, we are all handled by the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi. You can go to Guangdong. When we arrived in Guangdong, the senior officials in Guangdong said, "Oh, the central government has to talk about such a big matter. You go to the central government." During this time, the emperor and the officials of Guangdong were acting and correcting their lines all day long. Playing football is what the Chinese are best at. Guangdong plays to Beijing, Beijing plays to Guangdong, and the British move around in the middle. They went back and forth for several years, and they were about to suffer a cerebral hemorrhage. The British couldn't bear it anymore and decided to send troops.

In the words of Britain's top China expert, Staunton: "China does not understand the language of free trade, it can only understand the language of artillery fire."

In the words of Mr. Jiang Tingfu: "In short, there is simply no way for outsiders to enter. They know that the only way to amend the treaty is war."

So the British and French forces came with troops, attacked the Dagukou Fort in Tianjin, and occupied Dagukou with 400 casualties. Two thousand Qing troops were killed. The commander-in-chief of the Qing army was named Seng Gelinqin. He was always awesome and coaxing, and believed that the British artillery was nothing to be afraid of. Although we lost this time, Seng Gelinqin felt that it was nothing. The problem was not that the weapons and equipment were backward, but that our operations were not sharp enough, our tactics were not correct enough, and our movements were not coquettish enough.

The monk king does not believe in evil and will fight to the end. Xianfeng was anxious and said to Seng Gelinqin, old monk, stop fighting. "It's not worth it to fight the ugly barbarians with your country dependent on you."

Xianfeng also said a funny saying: "The world is not in Haikou, Tianjin, but in the capital." This meant to remind the monk king that the world is not in Haikou, Tianjin, but in the capital, because I am in the capital. Don't make a mistake, hurry up. come back.

When the monk king heard this, he made sense and withdrew. Just from this battle, we can see the attitude of the Qing monarchs and ministers towards themselves and the world.

Tianjin can't hold on any longer. Don't let the foreigners attack Beijing. The Qing Dynasty quickly sent people to Tongzhou to give in to the foreigners. OK, OK, we are willing to negotiate. So the two groups of people sat down and negotiated in Tongzhou.

What to negotiate? Haha, it’s the same as before. It’s obvious that this is another negotiation with Niu Tanqin. Xianfeng told Guiliang, the minister who was negotiating on the front line, that you can't agree to this or that. Don't be timid. The worst is, if you fight with foreigners again, you'll be scared!

How can it not be tragic if the top leader of a country has such an IQ?

The British realized that this was completely playing tricks on a cow, so they decisively stopped talking and demanded to go directly to Beijing. When Xianfeng heard this, he thought it was okay, these people were quite courageous. So he told Prince Yi in front that if the British dare to enter Beijing, you will detain them.

It was such a stupid decision that directly led to the burning of the Old Summer Palace.

September 18, 1860, was also September 18th. Negotiations were still ongoing on this day. Parkes, the leader of the British negotiating team, told Prince Yi that we will not change this rule for ministers stationed in Beijing and handing over letters of credence in person. You can do whatever you want. After finishing speaking, he jumped on his horse and flew away in a very graceful manner.

Prince Yi looked at Parkel and thought, Damn, you are so pretentious, so arrogant. So he told Seng Gelinqin that the emperor had said that if they were too arrogant and the negotiations could not be resolved, they would be detained. The monk king's posture was not very good. He followed the command and arrested all the British negotiating team, 39 people in total.

The funniest crime the Qing Dynasty convicted Pashali was rebellion.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xianfeng's decision was made by his butt. Even if we don’t talk about the world, we talk about the history of China’s dynasties. The two armies have always fought without killing each other. This has been an international law thousands of years ago. Even the barbaric ethnic minorities have abided by it. There are countless examples of this. In the 19th century, when mankind had greatly advanced to a civilized society, something like this still happened. This caused the reputation and image of the Qing government to seriously decline in Western countries. Although the image of the Qing government was already bad enough.

However, the Qing Dynasty originally ignored international rules, and the Qing Dynasty did not have any international interests in its eyes, so Xianfeng was very happy, and felt proud after catching the envoy. Senggelinqin was very happy to catch Parkes. Damn it, you have artillery and you are awesome in this war. Now let’s see what you do. Seng Gelinqin forcibly pressed Pashali's head and made him kowtow several times, fulfilling the dream of all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty: finally seeing foreigners kowtow.

Xianfeng took a look and said, "To capture the thief, capture the king first. Now that the king has been captured, let's teach the foreign soldiers a lesson." The Qing army sent troops, and the name of the troops was very interesting - to fight against rebellion.

At Bali Bridge in Tongzhou, 39,000 Qing cavalry set off and charged towards 25,000 British and French allied forces. The naive Qing Dynasty was prepared to take advantage of the leaderless British and French forces to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. I won’t talk about the process, but the result: 5 British and French troops were killed and 46 wounded, and the Qing army was almost completely wiped out.

Later, when the British inspected the Qing army's military camp, they found that the Qing army was still using bows and arrows and shields, and said: "A country that invented gunpowder is still using bows and arrows to fight."

The coalition forces entered Beijing and immediately went to rescue the 39 people. Parkes and his secretary were imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and the other 37 people were imprisoned in the Old Summer Palace. After the coalition forces rescued these people in Old Summer Palace, they found that only 19 people were left, and 20 of them had been tortured to death. Moreover, some people's corpses were cut into pieces, with arms and legs chopped off. It was too horrible to look at.

Later, a survivor recalled: Among those arrested was a Times reporter named Bowlby. He was beaten to death on the fourth day after being arrested, and his body was thrown into the wild to feed wild dogs. ate up. There was also Lieutenant Anderson, whose hands and feet were severely tied up and got maggots. The maggots spread all over his body. He screamed in a frenzy for three days and died. There was also a Frenchman who was also infected with maggots. Maggots crawled in his mouth, ears, and nose, and he died of pain. The survivor also said that he counted maggots in prison and could breed 1,000 maggots every day.

Seeing these scenes, the coalition forces were furious and could not tolerate the Qing's barbarism. Elgin, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, said that the Qing Dynasty must be taught a painful lesson. Because these prisoners were tortured to death in the Old Summer Palace, the garden was to be burned down.

At that time, there was a French general named Montauban who suggested burning the Forbidden City. Meng Toban said that the Old Summer Palace was not fortified and was not considered a war zone. It would not be good to burn it. If the Qing government should remember this lesson well, then burn the palace and make them suffer more so that they can remember it.

But Elgin disagreed. Elgin said: Burning the imperial city is equivalent to burning Beijing. The people in Beijing have not messed with us, so why are we having trouble with other people? The Old Summer Palace is a private garden and a place where we tortured our captives, so let’s burn this place.

So, the Old Summer Palace was burned down. Before the burning, Elgin posted a notice in Beijing saying: "Everyone, regardless of high or low, will be punished for their fraud. The Old Summer Palace will be burned on the 18th as a punishment for the emperor. No one has anything to do with this. It is not affected by this action, only the Qing government is responsible for it.”

There was a self-media person named Wang Kangnian in the Qing Dynasty. He wrote a book called "Remember the Burning and Robbery of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French Allied Forces", which recorded an interesting incident. The British and French allied forces prepared to set fire to the Old Summer Palace, but found that there was nothing to light the fire. "The troops had no firearms, only buckets and pots." Hearing that the coalition forces encountered difficulties, people from nearby Haidian rushed over with braziers and straw to help the foreigners. Wang Kangnian recorded that after the British and French forces set the fire, the Chinese followed behind and "started the fire everywhere and spread it", allowing the fire to expand. These people of the Qing Dynasty did not think that the Old Summer Palace had anything to do with them. Their biggest wish was to grab more treasures with foreigners.

This is the general situation of the burning of the Old Summer Palace. In order to avoid humiliation, the emperor provoked a war, and because of his barbarism and ignorance, he paid the price of the burning of the Old Summer Palace. It can be said that this war was the most boring war in modern Chinese history.

However, more than a hundred years later, something strange happened: the private property of the emperor's family was burned down, and his own people followed suit, smashing, looting, and burning. It didn't hurt at all, but we descendants gnashed our teeth in hatred; that year in the Qing Dynasty The emperor's personal humiliation suddenly became the humiliation of the people, the country, and the nation. This is not a very funny joke.

Our history books do not tell this history. The role of history books is to cultivate our hatred for the burning of the Old Summer Palace, rather than to teach us the lessons of the burning of the Old Summer Palace. This is something more terrifying than the burning of the Old Summer Palace.

An old woman stole dumplings made from neighbor's narcissus for her grandson to eat. After being poisoned, she came to seek compensation!!

Recently, there was a very popular post on Zhihu, in which a subject reluctantly recounted an embarrassing incident he encountered. He planted dozens of daffodils in his yard. An old lady next door thought they were leeks, so she secretly cut the daffodils and made dumplings for her grandson to eat. As a result, the child was hospitalized. Now the old lady and her family came to ask for compensation from him. During the police mediation, they also asked him to compensate part of the medical expenses out of humanitarianism. He was confused: he stole something from my house, even though it was a narcissus of negligible value, which caused poisoning, how could he still ask for compensation? What about my compensation? The questioner explained some situations: The garden was bought with real money when I bought the house, and it belongs to me on the real estate certificate. Next to it is the public green space of the community. The iron fence in the garden is not high, only 50 centimeters. There is one place that is very old. disrepair. Last year, when the tulips I planted in the garden were blooming, this old lady came with scissors and stole more than 30 flowers. This old lady also secretly picked the flowers of roses, hydrangeas, freesias and other plants that I planted. ——Turns out he is a habitual thief, is he being punished?

Why did the Southern Song Dynasty settle in a corner? People don’t like the Northern Expedition!

For a long time, the partial peace of the Southern Song Dynasty and the unfinished Northern Expedition were often blamed on the emperor's incompetence and the treacherous ministers such as Qin Hui who harmed Zhongliang. But in fact, the mainstream of the people in the Southern Song Dynasty did not want the Northern Expedition. The vast majority of them did not have a strong desire for the imperial court to regain the Central Plains, as described in some poems, but preferred to stay in a corner and seek stability. The poor were war-weary in the early Southern Song Dynasty. Speaking of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, we often think of Lu You's words before his death: "Wang Shibei set the day for the Central Plains, and he never forgot to tell Nai Weng for family sacrifices." We also think of Li Qingzhao's "Where is my hometown? I forget it unless I am drunk." Or Xin Qiji's "Looking northwest to Chang'an, there are countless pitiful mountains." But these are actually just the wishful patriotic feelings of the literati and do not represent the wishes of the majority of the people at that time. The Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas where the Southern Song Dynasty was based have been known as the fertile land in the southeast since ancient times. "Half of the world's taxes are collected." However, this was not the case in the early Southern Song Dynasty. After 20 years of Hua Shi Gang's conquest by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, the Fangla Uprising that swept away millions of people, and the turmoil of the Song and Jin wars, the population here has dropped sharply and it is desolate. It has become a place haunted by bandits, thieves, rebels and jackals. At the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, the land area was only more than half of that of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the population also dropped significantly. However, the military pressure from the north did not diminish at all. In order to cope with wars in the Southern Song Dynasty, the standing regular army was maintained at about 400,000 in peacetime, and the number increased much when the war was intense. When the people of the Southern Song Dynasty were in urgent need of recuperation and resumption of production, such a large army was a heavy burden on the people of the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, both in terms of military supplies and personnel replenishment. Looking at taxation, the average national fiscal revenue in the early Southern Song Dynasty was about 45 million guan per year, of which about 13 million guan was used for royal expenses, about 24 million guan was used to support the army in peacetime, and all other expenditures were only 7 to 8 million guan. Once a war breaks out, military spending will increase exponentially. The government will continue to pass on these extra costs to the people through inflation and increased exorbitant taxes. Therefore, the number of subjects and the level of taxation in the Southern Song Dynasty were unprecedented in Chinese history, often reaching about double that in the Northern Song Dynasty. It can be seen that just supporting the army during peacetime was already beyond the capabilities of the people of the Southern Song Dynasty, and when war broke out, even their survival became a problem. Therefore, for the poor people at the bottom of society, the main conflict is the issue of food rather than ethnic conflicts. Their wishes can only be as Jiang Kui expressed in "Yangzhou Slow" - "A waste of ponds and trees are still tired of talking about soldiers." , as long as the northern regime does not invade, it is absolutely unwilling to fight, let alone the Northern Expedition. The rich resisted the war in the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty By the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty, the living standards of the people, especially urban residents, had been greatly improved. At that time, China had completed the shift of its economic center of gravity to the south, and the environment in the south was far superior to that in the north. At this time, the economic strength of the Southern Song Dynasty had been greatly enhanced. Is there a strong desire to regain the lost land in the north? In fact, the people, especially the wealthy class, did not have much interest in regaining the relatively backward north. More importantly, at that time, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty were divided due to the widening income gap, which produced a group of very wealthy businessmen, manual workshop owners and skilled workers, and then formed a middle-class citizen class. Their lives were better than those of officials. All good. For example, the magistrates in the Southern Song Dynasty were generally from the third or fourth rank, with an annual salary of about 400 guan (1 guan was 1,000 Wen), while the annual salary of a skilled worker in the cotton weaving industry reached 600 guan. This increasingly large middle-class citizen class has both wealth and wealth, and is content with wealth. Once the Northern Expedition begins, all kinds of taxation, corvee, and military service will increase exponentially, which will inevitably affect their vested interests. And even if the Central Plains were recovered, the imperial court would inevitably "make up for the excess losses", that is, levy heavy taxes from wealthy areas, and then use the money to relieve areas that were damaged by military disasters or were originally poor. Of course, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty did not want to be Imposition of heavy taxes. In view of this, the middle-class citizens will inevitably oppose the war with all their strength. They have 2

A firefighter in Langfang,China, Hebei Province, China was violently beaten by onlookers while fighting a fire. .。

China News Service, Langfang, December 7th. The Guangyang Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Langfang City, Hebei Province revealed on the 7th that the Guangyang police recently uncovered a case of obstruction of official duties. Li and other four suspects insulted and beat armed police firefighters, and were criminally detained by Guangyang police on suspicion of provoking quarrels and provoking trouble. According to the police handling the case, at 16:35 on the 3rd, the Guangyang Branch Command Center received an alarm: Armed police firefighters were insulted and beaten by four people while putting out a fire in the basement of Building 13 in a community in Guangyang District, Langfang City. After receiving the report, police officers from the Nanjianta Police Station, Patrol Special Police Brigade, and Criminal Police Brigade of Guangyang Branch rushed to the scene to deal with the incident. Preliminary investigation revealed that in the afternoon of that day, a fire broke out in the basement of Unit 4 of Building 13 in a community in Guangyang District, Langfang City. At 16:30, the Langfang Fire Armed Police dispatched 3 fire trucks and 12 fire fighters arrived at the scene to perform fire-fighting tasks. When the fire fighters were performing fire-fighting tasks according to their division of labor, a fire fighter who was responsible for taking pictures was criticized and abused by an onlooker. When two other comrades came to dissuade them, Li and four other people came forward and beat the three fire fighters. It seriously affects the performance of firefighting tasks by firefighters.



Deng Yapeng: A "lotus oak" who fooled the people!

Deng Yaping, the former "Queen of Table Tennis", is known as the "Little Giant" in the sports world and a national idol. What about now? But he has become the target of thousands of people’s criticism and contempt. Ambassador for the Beijing Olympic bid, a BA in English from Tsinghua University, a MA from the University of Nottingham, a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, deputy secretary-general of the People's Daily, and general manager of People's Search. The former athlete with a pure patriotism has long since drifted away... replaced by a careerist who is passionate about "official and business studies". After Deng Yaping rode the east wind of the national system to the top, she became the darling of the country, and all roads were opened for her. Then she studied abroad, entered a career, engaged in IT across industries, and now she holds the title of professor at a university of political science and law. Of course, she can break out of the sports circle, continue to learn, develop her own social resources and comprehensive abilities, and shape new social roles. is worthy of high praise. However, every step she takes is stepping on the face of the country and the people. I wonder if the world has fooled her, or she has fooled the world. The author is not trying to impress people by criticizing her. Let’s take a look at her deeds of fooling the people. 1. Kneel down for Christianity. When Deng Yaping gave birth to her child, she chose to give birth in France on the grounds that it was convenient for her husband to accompany her during the birth, which caused widespread controversy. Deng Yaping herself once said: "When I hear the national anthem being played and see the national flag rising, my eyes always have tears of excitement. In our hearts, the motherland is our mother. It was my mother's milk that raised me. As an athlete, I A true Chinese, no matter how successful you are, you can never forget your ancestors. No matter what I do in the future, I will never forget my motherland, I will never forget that I am Chinese, and I will never do anything that damages the national character and personality. Things." Haha, how beautiful and touching it is! But why did you choose to give birth in France? Choosing where to have your baby is, of course, a personal matter. However, as a member of D, Deng Yaping was determined to have her son born in France in order to obtain French nationality. He does not hesitate to kneel down to Christian clergy. This choice violates the basic norms and conscience of a political figure. Is this "forgetting the motherland and forgetting that he is Chinese," or "something detrimental to the national character and personality?" Did you give birth to your child in France for the benefit of your motherland? Our country has overpopulation, support family planning? Is it for the sake of Sino-French friendship? France is underpopulated, and Chinese children solve its labor shortage through immigration? Is it really that noble? Then we really have to learn from Comrade Deng Yaping! Applaud Comrade Deng Yaping! 2. Think you are Steve Jobs? Will the people bear the responsibility after losing 2 billion? In 2010, when Deng Yaping was transferred to People’s Daily and took the helm of People’s Search, she spent 2 billion in investment within 2 years. It failed miserably in the Internet arena, causing Immediate Search to close down and become heavily in debt. This is a typical example of a layman leading an expert. Being able to play ball does not mean that he knows how to do business! One of her employees revealed that she only talks about table tennis and "revolutionary family history" during meetings. In the eyes of insiders, "Deng Yaping tried to integrate into the Internet circle in the shortest possible time, but what is more dramatic is that every time she gave a speech, people in the audience laughed." As a result, employees had no confidence in her. After spending 2 billion, she finally did not become the Chinese Jobs of her dreams, but fell into a spiritual world like Ah Q. "We immediately search for ourselves to represent the country. Our most important thing is not to make money, but to fulfill our national responsibilities." ." Faced with the accusations from public opinion and ordinary people, Deng Yaping adopted an official tone and only said one sentence that was worthy of her conscience. Deng Yaping never looked back on the road of mediocrity, but for the loss of 2 billion, should the people bear the responsibility? (Deng Yaping is suspected of being exposed for buying a house in Hong Kong for 340 million yuan) Hong Kong media news: A Bel-Air owner purchased the three buildings of the famous Erluan family owned by Sun Hung Kai for about 250 million, with a total of 24 units, together with the four swimming pools purchased earlier. Special units, the total purchase price is about 340 million. Judging from the photos, the owner is suspected to be former Olympic champion Deng Yaping. 3. Education and entertainment: How can a teacher and a golfer be confused with each other? The appointment of Deng Yaping as a part-time professor at the China University of Political Science and Law aroused public concern after being reported by the media. This prompted students to issue open letters questioning the situation, and professors to issue statements saying they "will not live with them." After investigation, it was found that the three diplomas held by Deng Yaping were in English, finance, etc., and had nothing to do with sports training. Do high-level athletes equal high-level coaches and professors? On the other hand, supporting the development of school sports teams is not what a professor does, but what a coach does. But Deng Yaping accepted the title of professor. To put it bluntly, this is another case of adultery between a star official and the university. The former wants to borrow universities to gild itself, while the latter wants to borrow officials to expand its influence and at the same time find more resources within the system. After retiring, Deng Yaping should not have embarked on this life path. The author is wondering whether Deng Yaping, who swore an oath under the D flag when faced with the red flag of the hammer and sickle representing the interests of workers and peasants, was thinking about people's representatives and CPPCC members. Power, status, fame, money, beauties, villas, luxury cars...? Have the flowers, applause, honors, and medals of the past been abandoned by her in a dusty corner... Personal understanding: Why doesn't a person do what he likes and is good at? ! Why embarrass yourself and harm the interests of others. Isn’t it about living with a conscience? Life is short, so it’s better to leave something behind.

For the memory of forgetfulness|The truth about the Karamay fire in East Turkestan, China......

The Internet is the only place to pay homage to them. 1. Inside the venue, the fire and escape. At around 17:40 on December 8, 1994, Zhao Lanxiu, then deputy mayor of Karamay, came to the Friendship Hall from the city government. At this time, more than 700 teachers and students had been waiting for more than an hour. "I also waited for a while before the acceptance team came." Zhao Lanxiu said. On December 7, a 25-member delegation from the "Compulsory Education and Literacy Assessment and Acceptance Group" of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Education Commission went to Karamay City to inspect the work. At 16:00 on December 8, the Karamay Education Committee organized 15 standardized classes from 15 middle and primary schools, as well as teachers and parents, and 769 people to perform a cultural report and performance for the inspection team at the Friendship Hall. Everything started from the second program "Spring Warm Childhood". Li Ping, a primary school teacher, saw that the instructions for this program - Zhang Yan, the teacher of the Eighth Primary School, and Zhang Li, the principal of the Eighth Primary School, were waiting for their students to leave on the side of the stage. She clearly saw similar lights on a row of light beams above the stage curtain. Sparks like fireworks fell downwards, but she didn't realize it was on fire until a curtain as big as a tablecloth fell down with a ball of fire. Several leaders from the Education Committee went to put out the fire, but in order to avoid confusion, the curtain was drawn. At around 18:10, Bi Jianguo hurried out of the Friendship Hall to call the police. At this time, his daughter Bi Yina and her 11 friends were performing on the stage. A minute ago, Bi Jianguo recorded the events in his daughter's life with his Nikon camera. One last performance. The fire on the stage ignited multiple hula hoops hanging on the back curtain as a background. Due to the obstruction of the curtain, the rapidly consumed oxygen formed a high-pressure area in the stage area, and the curtain expanded like a balloon. Jin Sumin, a second-year junior high school student, recalled that we all stood up during that period. A woman stood in front of the leadership table, holding a microphone and told us not to mess up and sit down, so we sat down. However, the two boys in the class who were usually quite naughty did not listen to her and ran away. They were the only two children in Jin Somin's class who escaped unscathed. "Let the leader go first." Although Zhao Lanxiu denied to this reporter that anyone had said this, Yang Liu, Jin Sumin and other survivors present confirmed that a female leader did say this. "When the students sat down one after another, the leadership table was already empty." Jin Somin said. Su Hao (pseudonym), who was sitting in the back row at the time, had a wide and clear view. He described what he saw at the critical moment, "The leaders were sitting in the first few rows in the middle. When they asked us to sit down and not move, I saw them slowly Slowly spread to both sides and walk slowly back from the aisle." At this scene, the fire spread rapidly and all the lights went out instantly. Everything is out of control, there is no organization, people are driven by fear and instinctively rush towards any possible way to survive. Zhou Yajing, the announcer of the performance and a 9-year-old girl at the time, recalled afterwards: "In the passage, a grandfather pushed us away and ran forward. I know him, he is the grandfather to whom I gave flowers before the performance. "The three leaders of Karamay Municipal Bureau (Petroleum Administration Bureau, at the same level as the municipal government) and 17 members of the Education Committee, except Zhao Lanxiu, miraculously escaped in time. The first group of people who escaped successfully escaped through the rolling shutter door at the back of the Friendship Hall, but soon, the originally open rolling shutter door suddenly fell down, and the Friendship Hall suddenly turned into a completely closed crematorium that resembled a brick kiln, a place full of wailing and The screaming house of death. Recalling this paragraph, Jin Somin's voice began to tremble. 2. Chaotic rescue off the field At the same time, the chaos off the field may not be better than on the field. The later announced time of the fire alarm was 18:20. However, many people confirmed that multiple people had called the police at 18:15. Otherwise, Bi Jianguo would have delayed the time regardless of his daughter's life and death, and Zhang Yan would never have had time to return to the museum. Save people inside. However, it was not until the third fire truck that the fire ax was finally brought to break the door. At this time, people had already spontaneously used various tools to desperately attack the 10 closed exits around the Friendship Hall. Some citizens bumped their shoulders against the aluminum doors. Employees from the design institute opposite the Friendship Hall ran to the left side of the Friendship Hall and pulled off the wooden door in the hope of saving the students, but there was an anti-theft iron door behind the wooden door. They lifted the door panel and hit the security door. The lower part of the security door was bent. They pulled up the steel bars one by one to let the people in the corridor and toilet get out. Children climbed on the windows waving and shouting. The window was too high, and the rescuers were anxious. Some people lifted the door panel, while others stood on it, smashed it with hammers, pried it with steel bars, broke open the iron fence, and pulled the child out. Time passed like this minute by minute. When the rolling shutter door fell, Li Ping was rescuing her students. She was rushed to the threshold of the rolling shutter door by the shock wave. "There were six or seven children pressed under my body and under my armpits. There were many feet stepping on my head and body. I I can only use my elbows to relieve the pressure on the children." After the power was cut off, the rolling shutter door stuck them under the door like a guillotine. Fortunately, there were many hands outside the door to pull them out one by one. She counted her students, 12 of them, "Great, they are all here." But when she took the students to safety, people discovered that she rushed back at a sprint speed of 100 meters. "It hurts, it hurts. My child hasn't come out yet!" She kicked and smashed the door like crazy, but to no avail... 3. Claim, sad memory In fact, the fire only lasted 20 minutes. After that, it was all over. The scene of identifying the body was miserable and sentimental. Most of the children's families were old and young, and they were very large. When they entered the morgue in batches, supporting each other according to their numbers, most of the older people only cried a few times before fainting, and then being carried out in a hurry. The father and mother will hug their dead children and never let go. Later, someone recorded the experience of a child who escaped from the window: I saw a window more than two meters high without iron bars, so I tried my best to climb up but couldn't. At this moment, a pair of big hands got stuck in my Under his armpit, he lifted me up and I breathed in the first breath of fresh air. I had seen him before. He was the uncle who took photos for us. After he sent me out, he also started to climb up, but when he got close to the window, he couldn't climb anymore. I watched helplessly as he was deadlocked for a long time, but he still couldn't hold on. The No. 8 primary school in Keji City suffered the heaviest losses. These youngest pupils sat in the front row farthest from the escape exits - on the left and right sides of the leadership seats. One of their tasks was to salute and lay flowers to the leaders. As a result, most of the more than 100 children died. . When the bodies of principal Zhang Li and teacher Zhang Yan were carried out, they were holding their children in their arms and could not be separated. The parents of the children said: "Don't separate. Since they were born together, they will die together..." " Liu Wanying could never forget Zhang Yan's burned face. Her voice choked up for the first time in the interview, "Everyone was moved by such a young teacher. In the anatomy room, we helped her with plastic surgery. I used my own lipstick. and powder cake to put makeup on her." Meng Cuifen, a teacher in the second class of the third grade of the eighth primary school, was one of the top ten teachers. At that time, the gray-haired woman had already retired. She only came back to the podium at the request of the school and parents. "People put out the fire after putting out the fire. When she was found, Teacher Meng's head and back had been burned. However, she was protecting a student under her elbows, and one of the students' heart was still beating weakly." The parents of the deceased students are offering their condolences to Meng Cuifen. During the funeral, he said to her portrait: "Teacher, you did not let the child's face and body be burned. We thank you, teacher. We can rest assured that the child will be handed over to you at school; if the child goes with you underground, we will Don't worry." There were more than 40 teachers present in the fire, and 18 of them threw their flesh and blood into the fire and died without mercy. 4. “Not all leaders escaped” After the fire, Zhao Lanxiu and Fang Tianlu were the highest-ranking leaders among those sentenced. She was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for dereliction of duty. But what is little known is that Zhao Lanxiu was one of the very few leaders who "did not leave first" at that time. In the final trial, the court also found that she was carried out of the fire scene after breaking the door. In the face of disaster, like everyone else, she is first and foremost a victim. However, she has been unable to cleanse herself of the extremely facial-shape "leadership" image forged in that fire. "I am the deputy mayor in charge of education. I have been working in education for more than 20 years. I have so much affection for children. How could I abandon them and leave?" Zhao Lanxiu said excitedly at her home in Shanghai on December 19 this year. , gesturing to our reporter with his hands that had lost the front half of his fingers, "In the past 12 years, I have been dreaming about giving awards to children. I can name many of the dead and injured children." But Shao Shao Some people are willing to be "the mourners who caress the traitors". Shen Honglei, editor-in-chief of "External Communication", recalled that in 2003, the Female Mayors Association asked her to interview Zhao Lanxiu. At that time, she had many concerns - on the one hand, this was a person that everyone hated, and on the other hand, Zhao Lanxiu's face was Shen Honglei, a professional in aesthetics, suffered severe burns and also had psychological shadow from this. "The first time we met, Zhao Lanxiu said something that moved me immediately. She said that even with this fate, if fate gave her 100 more opportunities to choose, she would still choose to save the child 100 times." Shen Honglei When he said this, Zhao Lanxiu couldn't open his lips. The day before the fire, she rushed back to Karamay to attend the event. When the fire started, Zhao Lanxiu was sitting in the first row. Zhao Lanxiu stood up and shouted "cut off the power". When she turned around and saw Bi Jianguo, she asked him to call the police immediately. Then she turned towards the burning stage and dragged the students performing "Spring Warm Childlike Heart" down to evacuate, and was immediately hit by a gust of fire. Waves knocked down. "At that time, I only felt burning pain in my face, hands and feet. I struggled to get up and took two steps before losing consciousness." When she woke up, Zhao Lanxiu was already lying on the concrete floor of the hospital corridor. At this time, she felt like she had come out of hell. When I walked out, my hands were melting like dripping candles. More than 90% of my face was carbonized by the fire, and my mouth and nose seemed to have melted together. Only the strands of hair and the burnt corner of the lilac suit can tell that this is a woman, let alone her identity. There were many casualties in the hospital, and it was impossible to save everyone in time. When it was her turn, someone asked, "Who are you?" She answered in a guttural voice with difficulty, "I am Zhao Lanxiu." The doctor quickly sent her to the emergency ward, and The dean was called. "My trachea was cut and phlegm was sucked out of me. It felt like I was in a deep ice cellar. I wanted to climb out but couldn't." 5. Those leaders who were sentenced. It cannot be said that Zhao Lanxiu commanded well and evacuated effectively. But in the fire, she did show her humanity. Zhao Lanxiu said that when the incident happened, the scene was very chaotic. She only focused on saving the children, "I don't know what everyone else was doing." She only learned about the cause of the fire and the "leadership" much later in court. , "I was really angry when I found out." She was not included in the first list of handlers announced at the end of 1994. But on May 24, 1995, Zhao Lanxiu, who was waiting in Urumqi to catch a flight to Shanghai for surgery the next day, was escorted back to Karamay overnight. On May 30 of that year, "Xinwen Lianbo" broadcast the results of the "12.8" accident to the country for the second time. The number of arrestees increased from 13 on December 15, 1994 to 14. "Half a year later, , it only makes me a crippled criminal." "Compared with the physical pain, the mental and political pressure tortures me more." She said, "The complaint mentions my escape twice, which is a slander and is unfair to me. How can a person who values reputation like this endure it?" On August 18, Zhao Lanxiu, who had been suffering from fever for days, was carried on a stretcher and pushed into the court in a wheelchair to hear her sentence. For a long time after the trial, Zhao Lanxiu always carried a heavy cross. Her friends said she committed suicide three times, but now she only admits that she "had gone on a hunger strike." Although Zhao Lanxiu did not spend a day in jail and was immediately paroled for medical treatment, she was still dissatisfied: If those who escaped from the fire to save themselves were sentenced to the same crime as those who persisted in the fire to save others and became crippled, what would be the inspiration for future generations? ? "Even if the merits are not equal to the demerits, we should evaluate the merits and demerits, but in the past 12 years, the media and public opinion have been kidnapped by the emotional part of public opinion." Shen Honglei said, at least let people know that not all Leaders are greedy for life and afraid of death. Shen Honglei, who visited Karamay twice for interviews, once tried to hold a symposium with the families of the victims, but when she mentioned Zhao Lanxiu, the people went crazy, as if she was trying to overturn the verdict of a heinous person. A mother who lost her son said that it would be ridiculous for a criminal who was solemnly tried under the national emblem to overturn the verdict for her! The mother's anger and Zhao Lanxiu's despair are both so understandable and equally tragic. Many years later, the convicts gradually returned to normal lives. For Zhao Lanxiu's long-term treatment and life in Shanghai, the family moved to Shanghai. The Petroleum Administration Bureau "borrowed" a house of more than 100 square meters to her. Some Karamay leaders once wrote to the central government to vindicate Zhao Lanxiu. But according to her, “It’s impossible and undesirable.” Fortunately, the salary has been restored and the salary is based on the salary before the accident. Now I have more than 2,000 yuan a month, and I can be reimbursed for medical treatment. Another "leader" at the same level who was sentenced, Fang Tianlu, worked in Xi'an for a period of time and has now returned to Karamay. Like other criminals in the same case who have reached age, they have retired. There are also some people who were assigned to work in other places and chose not to return to Karamay. Some people also went to sea to do business. For example, Kuang Li from the Municipal Education Commission became the general manager of the Karamay branch of an insurance company. “She became a rich person. She invited me to dinner when I returned to Karamay. She also rejoined the party and called me so happy.” Zhao Lanxiu explain. 6. The lives of those survivors In addition to the 323 victims, the "12·8" fire also left 132 disabled people. Among them, the one with the most severe burns was Willow. Yangliu suffered third-degree burns on 85% of his body. It is a miracle that he survived. Twelve years later, she is the only injured person still being treated in the hospital. Zhao Lanxiu always remembered her, "She was the best singer at that time and she was also beautiful." Before the age of 13, she was a genius and a famous little singer in Karamay. When she was 10 years old, she was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music as a special training class student; When she was 13 years old, she was a hero. She stayed to find three friends and took them away, but the last willow was hit by the heat wave; after the age of 13, she was a person who was gradually forgotten. She underwent 25 operations in less than half a year, which made Zhao Lanxiu full of emotion, "We were treated together in Shanghai No. 9 Hospital. At that time, her skin was ulcerated all over her body and she could not wear clothes, so she stood up naked and practiced walking." Learning to walk again, He learned to write again, and he learned to read books and newspapers again with his burned eyes. Only his original musical talent was not taken away by the fire. A girl she rescued from the fire was her partner who was preparing to perform a duet at the time. Now her partner has graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music. Many people say that Yang Liu is better than her partner in both looks and singing voice. However, Yang Liu accepted the reality calmly, "I have nothing to complain about. I just hope that the next operation in Beijing will be successful." Kim So Min ushered in a happy event. Just a few months ago, she got married. On her wedding day, the makeup artist worked for three or four hours so that no trace of burns could be seen on her appearance. The amputated hand was hidden in the flowers held by the other hand and could not be seen at all in the wedding photos. She was admitted to a university in Dalian, but the schoolWhen I saw this situation, I decided to back out of gear. After that, Jin Sumin went to Xinjiang University. When she first entered college, she was always afraid of leaving the dormitory. Every time she went to eat, she would either be the first to go or hide at the end. When taking a photo for her second-generation ID card, the photographer asked her to expose her ears. Jin Sumin flipped up her hair and said, "My ears are burned off, what are you doing?" Yang Liu and Jin Sumin are the two strongest children among the survivors, and more children live with autism. "No one is willing to play with me." Su Hao said. Now he only occasionally chats with people online. In today's Karamay, walking through the brightly lit streets, a white building suddenly stands in front of you. In 1997, Karamay planned to blow up the Friendship Hall and build a "People's Square". However, many citizens protested, and the plan was later slightly modified. The front door of the Friendship Hall was renovated and whitewashed and retained. The other buildings were still blown up. The preserved second floor of the Friendship Hall is now a table tennis training base. After school time, this place is filled with the laughter and laughter of children, and everything feels like a world away. "I have always felt that a memorial hall should be built to prove that the city remembers these dead souls and their pain." Liu Wanying said. "The cities of the motherland are like the stars in the sky. The bright stars are connected one by one. Karamay is shining in the stars. I love Karamay, Karamay loves me..." This song that I had no chance to sing at the Friendship Hall 12 years ago, In the past 12 years, Yangliu has often sang. When singing, that scarred face can still smile.

Land was illegally expropriated in Sichuan, China, and a villager was crushed to death by an excavator! How tragic! ! ! !

Many netizens broke the news that villagers in Yongli Village, Xiachang Town, Changning County, Yibin, Sichuan Province, had their land illegally expropriated, and some villagers were crushed to death by excavators. Photos provided by Weibo user @helloCaiCai09 showed a pair of hands and half a broken head exposed by the red soil run over by the track. Later, she was dug out, her clothes covered with mud, and a bulldozer parked next to her. According to Tieba user "baby Cai Cai Cai Cai Cai", he heard about the land acquisition a few months ago. "I asked the village chief to find out about the situation. The village chief said that the villagers built the roads themselves. Not to mention the land occupation. It's better if they don't let you pay. I asked the specific villagers. The village chief was vague and said that most of the villagers. I Asked what will happen if we don’t sign and agree. Forced demolition? The village chief said that the minority will definitely obey the majority. Measures will definitely be taken against the few who do not sign.” She also said that she had communicated with the relevant cadres in the town a few days ago However, they did not provide relevant information, "that is to say, without any relevant documents. The town and village require us villagers to donate land free of charge." This morning, a villager surnamed Liang from Yongli Village who had been to the scene revealed to Jiguang that because the compensation issue at the construction site had not been settled, on the morning of the 7th, an old lady from Group 6 went to the construction site to argue, and a dispute broke out. When he went over to watch, she had been dragged into the pit and buried. The claim of "land grabbing" has not yet been officially confirmed. Subsequently, the Propaganda Department of the Changning County Party Committee issued a notice stating that the incident resulted in death due to improper construction operations. The bulldozer driver and the person in charge of the construction site were suspected of serious liability accidents and have been detained.

The Propaganda Minister can be a master of theories at higher levels, but can rape students at lower levels.

 November 25, reporters received exclusive information from an insider claiming that six public officials in 
OHuitong County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, China, had been suspected of grooming six junior high school girls aged 13 or 14 at Huitong County No. 3 Middle School since 2014. Mistress". After the "scandal" occurred, the local government asked the police to block the news in order to cover the "lid". According to insiders, the local police have detained or questioned a deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, as well as relevant personnel from the school involved and the county education bureau. At present, the local police are still investigating.

A family in Linzhou, China, married a "ghost wife" and was being buried. There was a banging sound in the coffin.

A family in a village in Yuankang Town, Linzhou City, China "married" their deceased son a "ghost wife" from Hunan. However, when they were preparing for the burial, there was a sudden banging sound in the coffin. When everyone opened the coffin, they were surprised. Everyone was really surprised: the woman was resurrected! How did the promised corpse turn into a living person? What's the secret behind it? Yesterday, a reporter from Dahe News learned from the Linzhou Public Security Bureau that with the intervention of the police, a complicated intentional homicide case was revealed. After in-depth investigation, the police then captured a criminal gang that took in mentally retarded homeless women for trafficking and prostitution. Horrifying scene: The "female corpse" about to be buried suddenly resurrected. Yuan Mou, a villager in Yuankang Town, Linzhou City, passed away for some reason at a young age. Influenced by feudal superstition, his family always wanted to "marry" a woman for him in a "ghost marriage". Later, through the introduction of Hu, a local daughter-in-law who married from Hunan, Yuan's uncle Miao contacted a "female corpse" from Hunan Province and promised to give the other party's family a "betrothal gift" of 30,000 yuan. At about 17:00 on July 15, the introducer Ruan, Wang who claimed to be the brother of the deceased Zhao Mei (pseudonym), and others drove Zhao Mei's "body" to Yuankang Town, Linzhou City, and informed Miao and others that Zhao Mei already dead. Miao and others then changed Zhao Mei's clothes, put the coffin in and sealed it with iron nails. Wang and others received the agreed 30,000 yuan in cash through Hu Jinlian and drove away. At about 19 o'clock that day, it was raining, so Miao invited several relatives to dig up the grave of his deceased nephew Yuan and prepared to bury Zhao Mei with him. The grave had just been dug, and suddenly there was a tapping sound from the coffin containing Zhao Mei's body parked next to the grave. Everyone was startled, threw down their tools for digging graves and wanted to run away, but then they thought that they were still afraid of a dead man, so Miao and others braved the situation and approached, opened the coffin and almost fainted from shock when they saw it: Zhao Mei Surprisingly alive. Police Investigation: Resurrection of “Female Corpse” Leads to Bizarre Intentional Homicide Case After the incident, someone called the police. After receiving the call, police from the Kang Police Station of the Linzhou City Public Security Bureau and the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene to investigate. "When we found Zhao Mei, she had been arranged to live in a room. Zhao Mei was very weak and lying on the bed. Then we quickly sent her to Linzhou People's Hospital for rescue." The policeman handling the case told reporters that because Zhao Mei is deaf He is mute and severely mentally retarded, unable to cooperate with the police investigation. Subsequently, the police found Miao and others for investigation and learned that Zhao Mei's ID card was forged. In order to make Miao believe that he was a family member of the deceased, Wang forged the ID card for her. Zhao Mei's real name and identity could not be verified, so the police conducted a tracking investigation around Hu from the village and the suspect vehicle that transported Zhao Mei. Through investigation, the police successfully locked the suspect vehicle and initially determined the identity of the suspect. In Shaoyang County, Hunan Province, Qidong County, Hengyang City, Shaoyang City and other places, the police identified Ruan, Li Qing, Li Zhong, Wang Six people including X, Yao and Hu were successfully captured. After in-depth investigation by the police, it was learned that Zhao Mei was a homeless mentally retarded deaf-mute. Li Zhong and others found her and took her in. After being introduced by Hu, they contacted Miao to marry a "ghost wife" and drove Zhao Mei away. Pulled to Linzhou. After getting off the expressway from Linzhou Station, Li Zhong and others melted sedative drugs in mineral water for Zhao Mei to take. After Zhao Mei fell into coma, they transported her to Yuankang Town, Linzhou City and falsely claimed that Zhao Mei was dead. Unexpectedly, on the eve of the burial, Zhao Mei woke up unexpectedly and escaped the disaster of life and death. Since he was a living person, didn't Miao and others notice it when they changed Zhao Mei's clothes? The reporter was very puzzled. "Because it was raining that day and the weather was a bit cool, Miao and others did not notice whether there was any warmth on Zhao Mei's body. They thought it was a female corpse and wanted to get it done quickly. Unexpectedly, they suddenly heard a sound coming from the coffin during the burial. There was a slapping sound." The policeman handling the case told reporters that when the police investigated Miao, they confessed that they had no idea that Zhao Mei was still alive. If they had known, they would not have dared to do this. Li Zhongmou confessed that it was the first time for them to do such a thing by asking a living person to marry in secret. After learning the specific facts of the case, based on the explanations given by Li Zhong and others, the Linzhou police actively carried out rescue work for the trafficked women and successfully rescued three women, including Zhao Mei, in Linzhou. The other two women were Sold to locals as wives. Subsequently, with the cooperation of the Hunan police, the Linzhou police successfully rescued three mentally retarded women from the home of Li Zhong in Hunan and two people from the home of Ruan in Hunan. At present, the rescued women have been sent to Linzhou City Rescue Station, Hunan Province Shaoyang City Rescue Station and Qidong County Rescue Station for proper placement. Currently, Li Zhong and others are being detained by the police on suspicion of intentional homicide. What awaits them will be severe punishment by law.

Chinese female college students are stuck in a bottomless pit of nude loans. They borrowed 4,000 yuan and still haven’t repaid 100,000 yuan. Naked loans are not that good.

Recently, news of a leak of indecent photos of a female college student "naked loan" has once again made "nude loan" the focus of public attention. A reporter from Modern Express (Weibo) learned from Nanjing Xuanwu Police that they had recently assisted local police in arresting a suspect for extortion in the form of "naked loans." The victim in this case was a female college student. For the initial loan of 4,000 yuan, she had given several nude photos and multiple indecent videos as collateral for the loan for more than half a year. Now, she has paid back 100,000 yuan, but still has not been able to pay off the debt. Eventually, her parents received nude photos of their daughter and called the police. The incident: The father received a collection call and nude photos of his daughter. “If the female student’s father hadn’t received the child’s nude photos and called the police, she wouldn’t have known how long she would have been in trouble.” Wan, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Nanjing Xuanwu Public Security Bureau Xiaobo introduced that according to information provided by the local police, in early November this year, the local police received a call from citizen Chen Bing, saying that he had received nude photos of his daughter. Chen Bing told the police that her daughter is a college student and is in her third year of college this year. Just a few days ago, he suddenly received a phone call from a stranger from out of town, saying that his daughter Chen Xue had borrowed money and had not repaid it. Chen Bing immediately asked her daughter what was going on, and her daughter said that she did owe money, and it was a loan shark, and she needed 40,000 yuan to repay the money. At that time, Chen Bing complained to her daughter a few words and then transferred 40,000 yuan to her daughter's card. I thought everything would be fine after I paid back the money, but a few days later, Chen Bing received a reminder message again, this time from a different person. Chen Bing felt that the matter was not that simple, and immediately asked her daughter what was going on again. At this time, Chen Xue told her father that in order to repay the initial loan, she borrowed a lot of money from outside, and all of it was with nude photos and indecent videos as collateral. Chen Bing said that he had heard about "naked loans" in the news, but he never expected that his daughter would be involved. Soon, the collection calls came one after another. Some people even directly told Chen Bing that they had nude photos of Chen Xue in their hands. Chen Bing was very angry and scolded the other party severely, but the next day, he received nude photos of his daughter on his mobile phone. Chen Bing knew that this matter was no longer something he could handle, so he quickly called the police. Revealing the Secret of Naked Loans: Borrowing 4,000 yuan and repaying 100,000 yuan was not enough. After receiving the call, the local police immediately found Chen Xue to investigate the incident. Facing the police, Chen Xue was already exhausted mentally and physically. It turned out that because she owed money, not only her family received her nude photos, but some of her classmates also received them. So how much money did Chen Xue borrow? Chen Xue told the police that at the beginning of this year, she borrowed 4,000 yuan. But because she couldn't repay the money, she started to borrow money from loan sharks to pay for the debt. These loan sharks were worried that she would not be able to pay back the money, so they asked her to use nude photos and indecent videos as collateral. Chen Xue told the police that she had borrowed money from several people and sent out several nude photos and indecent videos, which she could no longer remember clearly. The amount of money paid back has already reached 100,000, but the debt has still not been paid off. "The police officers handling the case were very surprised by what Chen Xue reported. They didn't know how she got deeper and deeper into the 'naked loan'." Wan Xiaobo said, as Chen Xue told the whole story in detail, about Various secret details of "naked loans" gradually emerged. The business failed and he borrowed high-interest loans to fill the hole. At the beginning of this year, Chen Xue bought a laptop through installment plans. Later, after some market research, she decided to start her own business and sell toiletries through WeChat. But doing business requires capital. She didn’t want to ask for money from her family and decided to be self-reliant. So she borrowed 4,000 yuan from an installment payment platform she found online and purchased a batch of toiletries. However, doing business is not as simple as Chen Xue thought. Since the toiletries couldn't be sold, her monthly loan repayments were gone. In July this year, the 4,000 yuan loan expired. In order to repay the money, the only way Chen Xue thought of was to borrow more money. "This way, once you sell your toiletries, you will have money to repay the loan." said the policeman handling the case. Through the introduction of netizens, Chen Xue met netizen Zhou Jun on a loan platform. The other party said that he could lend Chen Xue 4,000 yuan, but he would have to return 5,000 yuan after a week. At this time, Chen Xue was already ill and sought medical treatment, so she immediately agreed. But she didn't expect that her move would cause endless trouble. "She was forced to mortgage the indecent video when she couldn't pay back the money." Chen Xue told the police that when she borrowed money from Zhou Jun, she provided her identity information, student status information, and the service password of her mobile phone number according to the other party's request. Zhou Jun said that this was to obtain Chen Xue's call records. If she did not pay back the money, Zhou Jun could harass Chen Xue's family and friends. A week passed quickly, and Chen Xue's toiletries were still not sold. How could she have the money to pay off the debt? But Zhou Jun's collection call had already been made, saying that if Chen Xue didn't pay back the money, he would tell her parents. Chen Xue doesn't want her parents to know about her borrowing money. She begged Zhou Jun, saying that she really couldn't afford the money. At this time, Zhou Jun said that there was a way to postpone the repayment, which was to ask Chen Xue to provide him with an indecent video. Faced with this request, Chen Xue, who was desperate, finally agreed. At Zhou Jun's request, she recorded a three-minute indecent video and sent it to Zhou Jun. Zhou Jun extended the repayment period by 4 weeks. However, the due repayment amount is no longer 5,000 yuan, but 12,000 yuan. The interest rate is getting higher and higher, and the creditor recommends "tear down the east wall to pay for the west wall". One month passed quickly, and when the repayment day came, Chen Xue still had no money. At this time, Zhou Jun recommended two online loan platforms and asked Chen Xue to "tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall." According to Chen Xue, she borrowed 7,000 yuan from these two lending platforms and returned all of it to Zhou Jun. Zhou Jun kept asking for the remaining 5,000 yuan, saying that if he didn't pay back the money, he would send another indecent video. When Chen Xue didn't agree, the other party threatened to send the last indecent video to Chen Xue's family and classmates if she didn't send it. In order to force Chen Xue to submit, Zhou Jun also said that if he delayed releasing the indecent video, he would be fined 200 yuan per minute. Just like that, 10 minutes later, Chen Xue's debt had become 7,000 yuan. In desperation, she had no choice but to record an indecent video again. After getting hold of Chen Xue, Zhou Jun went even further. He asked Chen Xue to pay back 2,000 yuan in interest every week until the 7,000 yuan was paid off with interest. Since then, Chen Xue has been completely controlled by Zhou Jun. In order to repay the money, she had to borrow money through other channels, many of which were through pledging her nude photos and indecent videos. Before the incident, Chen Xue had already made "naked loans" through many people, and she was not even sure how much money she had to repay. Police Action A suspect was arrested in Nanjing. According to the situation reported by Chen Xue, the local police quickly identified multiple suspects, one of whom was Wang Qiang who was in Nanjing. "Wang Qiang and Zhou Jun work together. Wang Qiang provides funds, and Zhou Jun is responsible for finding someone to borrow money." Wan Xiaobo told reporters that the money Chen Xue borrowed from Zhou Jun was provided by Wang Qiang, and the interest received by Wang Qiang Then it will be divided into 64 and 64 with Zhou Jun. With the assistance of Xuanwu police, Wang Qiang was captured by the police at his workplace at the end of November. The police found that Wang Qiang had a legitimate occupation and a good income. Regarding the use of "naked loans" to borrow money online, Wang Qiang confessed that he knew the details. It turns out that Wang Qiang originally just lent money through an online lending platform to earn some interest to support his family. But after meeting Zhou Jun, everything changed. In order to obtain high interest rates, he cooperated with Zhou Jun to lend money. He told Zhou Jun that the interest rate was so high, what if he couldn't get the money back? Zhou Junze said that he had "handles" about these female college students, namely nude photos and indecent videos. At present, Wang Qiang has been transferred by the Xuanwu police to the police in Chen Xue’s hometown for handling on suspicion of extortion. The case is still under further investigation. The police reminded that "naked loans" have become an industry chain, and college students need to be vigilant. Recently, news about "naked loans" has frequently appeared in the newspapers, and the group of victims behind it is very large. Nanjing Xuanwu police said that the creditor's use of nude photos and indecent videos to force repayment has been suspected of extortion. Judging from the current situation, "naked loans" are becoming a gray industry chain, dragging more victims into the quagmire. Wan Xiaobo said that from Chen Xue's case, it can be found that after Chen Xue contacted Zhou Jun, it was Zhou Jun who recommended other borrowers to get acquainted with her, and then asked them to "remove the east wall to make up for the west wall." "This move actually makes Chen Xue sink deeper and deeper, making it easier to be manipulated by criminals." Wan Xiaobo said that judging from the "naked loan" cases disclosed online, some of the female college students who were victimized even turned to prostitution to make money. the point. “In fact, link after link, everything is a trap woven by criminals. Borrowers fall deeper and deeper into the trap, while criminals make illegal profits through layers of links.”

Photos of a man dissecting a real dragon alive were revealed!

 In a certain town in the west, someone actually witnessed the scene of dismembering a real dragon alive. Later, this person was secretly taken away by the police, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

There is something fishy about free WIFI. How to do good network security?

More and more public places offer free WiFi. Looking for free WiFi when going out and "swiping your phone" is now the "biggest" habit of everyone. However, is free WiFi reliable? A few days ago, reminders about the leakage of personal information caused by using free Wi-Fi went viral in the circle of friends. Industry insiders suggest that when you go out, you should not use free WiFi without passwords, and try to use password-protected WiFi provided by reliable merchants. When sending and receiving emails, logging into Taobao or online banking, it is best to turn off WiFi and switch to 3G or 4G networks for data connections. . However, with increasing traffic demands, WiFi is still inevitable. what to do? In fact, using a VPN (virtual private network), you can build an encrypted data transmission tunnel yourself. Use VPN tools skillfully to prevent WiFi traps. I believe everyone knows before that you can buy VPN tools through the Taobao platform. In fact, many manufacturers now include VPN functions when providing traffic and App services. If you purchase a VPN server as a proxy, you can set the IP address on your mobile phone to surf the Internet more safely in a WiFi environment. Previously, UC Browser was the first to propose the concept of security and cloud. Users using UC to surf the Internet not only use asymmetric encryption for information transmission encryption, but also lead the industry in file download scanning, malware removal, WiFi security management, etc. However, this protection only works within the browser. In fact, previously, in the March 15 CCTV report, "hackers" easily obtained users' selfie photos, email accounts, and passwords because the information was transmitted in clear text and was not encrypted. However, when using a VPN, the user's online experience will be degraded, mainly because data transmission will be slower. "UC used to protect the security of users' free WiFi environments, and it could only be regarded as a front-end encryption method." UC President He Xiaopeng said frankly that the new version of UC Browser has added a light VPN plug-in in the middle to enhance the encryption performance. However, in order to better protect personal privacy and mobile device data security, I personally recommend that you try to choose more reliable VPN service providers at home and abroad. Professional matters should still be left to professionals. Bring your own VPN third-party defense tools In addition to purchasing VPN tools online or using a browser with a VPN, there are also some tools you can borrow. For example, VPN by SurfEasy, there are many similar apps (such as Express VPN and Vypr VPN) with an annual fee of about 300 yuan. In Opera Turbo 2.0, all unencrypted traffic of the mobile phone will pass through the Opera cloud server group. After a series of operations, the server group will transmit the traffic back to the mobile phone. This data will be transmitted through the SPDY protocol with default SSL encryption and in the more secure form of differential transmission. Unlike 360 Mobile Guard, which adds a VPN function to establish a "WiFi safe channel", Mobile Manager can scan WiFi hotspots to identify risky WiFi and recommend green and safe WiFi to users. However, although Mobile Guard is encrypted, it currently only encrypts payment applications by default, and other applications need to be manually added to the list. Security expert Tao Sinan said that data must pass through the router. The common solution is to first encrypt and build a secure tunnel, then pass through the router, and then decrypt it on the server side. Even if a "hacker" obtains the encrypted data, he or she cannot easily see the data transmitted by the user. According to industry insiders, when using VPN services, you should also choose services from well-known manufacturers to reduce "secondary risks."


Who is to blame for China’s mutually harmful society?

At a dinner party, an official talked about the current food safety issues, and seemed to be eloquent and a little angry: I told my daughter...