A 14-year-old girl in Changsha, Hunan, China, was bullied and beaten by many classmates half a month ago and was forced to cut her throat to survive. Related videos attracted attention. This is the second time that the girl has been beaten by classmates recently, and she has many open wounds on her body...On the evening of April 23, the High-tech Zone Branch of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a report on the case. In the video posted by the girl's parents, the girl was beaten by multiple girls and boys in school uniforms and was repeatedly slapped and stomped on the head. Someone shouted, "Bring the knife, I'm going to stab her." In the video, there is a scene where the neck was cut. Comprehensive mainland media reports said that the girl said she was beaten by Yan Mouhan and others from school. In order to escape the beating, the girl picked up broken glass and scratched her throat. She attempted suicide and begged Yan Mouhan and others to stop the beating. Unexpectedly, in exchange for The beatings intensified. Parent Mr. Liu said that on April 16, his daughter was beaten by a female classmate for more than an hour. When the other party asked to change places, her daughter was worried that she would be beaten again, so she picked up the broken glass and said, "I will die for you if I beat you again." ". Mr. Liu said that his daughter had multiple cuts on her neck and injuries to her wrists and face, which were identified as minor injuries of Level 2. On April 16, the inpatient disease diagnosis certificate issued by Hunan Aerospace Hospital showed that the girl had an open injury to her wrist (right, part of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle was broken); multiple open wounds on her neck; facial contusions; scalp hematoma; It is recommended to continue hospitalization. Mr. Liu hopes that the attacker will be punished criminally.

 Some doctors say that the blood of healthy people is like clean water, while the blood of diabetics is like sewage. The organs are always soaked in sewage, and they will become damaged as they soak.

Diabetes can bring more than 100 complications, and according to data, more than 50% of diabetic patients have at least one chronic complication [1].

Among the complications of diabetes, 6 have a very serious impact on the body. The body will send out warning signals before they come. Check to see if you have any?

1. Diabetic eye disease: severe cases leading to blindness

Three out of 10 people with diabetes are affected, which is one of the main causes of visual impairment and blindness [2].

Early signs: blurred vision, dark shadows in front of the eyes, and decreased vision. It feels like there is a layer of fog or black objects floating in front of your eyes. Even if you are not looking directly at the light source, you feel that the sun and lights are particularly dazzling.

Countermeasures: When the above symptoms appear, do not think that you are old and have dazzled eyes. It is likely to be retinopathy caused by long-term high blood sugar. You must go to the hospital’s ophthalmology department in time.

2. Diabetes and heart disease: increased risk of death

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for people with type 2 diabetes.

Early signs: chest tightness, suffocation, palpitations, dizziness or fatigue, aggravation of symptoms after activity, etc.

People with diabetes are prone to sensory nerve damage. When angina pectoris or myocardial infarction occurs, there is often no obvious pain and it is easily ignored.

Countermeasures: The above symptoms indicate coronary heart disease. Once discovered, seek medical treatment promptly without delay.

3. Diabetic nephropathy: use dialysis to maintain life in the end stage

Diabetic nephropathy is the main cause of end-stage renal disease, and about 30% to 40% of people with diabetes will suffer from diabetic nephropathy [3].

Early signs: foamy urine, increased urine, swollen eyelids in the morning, etc.

There is usually no obvious discomfort in the early stage, and it is difficult to detect it through routine urine examination. If the above-mentioned early signals appear, it may be diabetic nephropathy.

Countermeasures: See the nephrology department and endocrinology department promptly, and conduct urine albumin to creatinine ratio, urine sediment detection, renal function and other tests.

4. Peripheral neuropathy: In severe cases, the pain and itching are so severe that one cannot sleep.

Early signs: numbness in the lower limbs, usually starting from numbness in the feet, often symmetrically occurring bilaterally, with the symptoms being more severe in the feet than in the legs, and more severe at night than during the day. Your extremities may feel like there are ants walking on them, or your hands and feet may feel like you are wearing gloves and socks, or you may experience a burning sensation.

30% to 40% of people with diabetes have no clinical symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that people with type 1 diabetes should be screened at least once a year 5 years after diagnosis; people with type 2 diabetes should be screened as soon as possible after diagnosis, and should be screened at least once a year in the future.

Countermeasures: Control blood sugar and nourish nerves with the help of a doctor. You can soak your feet and hands in warm water every night to improve circulation.

5. Vascular disease of the lower limbs: When severe, even walking becomes a luxury.

Diabetic lower limb vascular disease may cause pain in the legs when walking in the early stage. As the disease progresses, the distance that can be walked becomes shorter and shorter, and finally even walking becomes a luxury.

Early signs: Pain or soreness in the lower limbs after walking, which must be rested to get better, or accompanied by a drop in skin temperature of the affected limb, flushing of the skin, paleness when the limb is raised, etc.

Countermeasures: Once the above symptoms appear, do not think that it is due to old age and poor health. You must seek medical treatment in time.

6. Diabetic foot: high disability and mortality rate

Diabetic foot is a serious chronic complication and one of the main causes of disability and death. About 15% of people with diabetes are at high risk for diabetic foot, and 5% of people with diabetes are experiencing the pain of diabetic foot [5].

Early signs: dry and itchy skin on the feet without sweating, tingling, burning pain, numbness in the extremities, decreased or missing sensation, a feeling of walking on cotton when walking, and other symptoms of neuropathy, as well as toe deformity, etc.

Countermeasures: Seek medical attention promptly and do not delay or use folk remedies to deal with it yourself. Diabetic foot may eventually lead to amputation, so sufficient attention should be paid.

If your body shows the above symptoms, no matter how busy you are, you should take time to seek medical treatment and strive for early treatment and early recovery.

If these two symptoms appear in urine, it is likely that the kidneys have been injured.

 Diabetic kidney disease (glucose nephropathy) is one of the most terrifying complications of diabetes, and the uremia it causes is the leading cause of new dialysis cases every year.

However, the kidneys have strong compensatory capabilities and are particularly good at forbearing. In the 1st and 2nd stages of diabetes, there are basically no symptoms in the body until the 3rd stage.

  Only then did they start sending out distress signals.

And this stage is the "critical window period" for people with diabetes to save themselves!

If you find the following two symptoms in your urine, it may be a distress signal from your body, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

1. A large amount of foam appears in the urine, which does not dissipate after 10 minutes.

Occasionally foaming in urine is normal, but if a large amount of fine foaming persists and persists for a long time

  Just pay attention.

It is likely that the glomerular filtration function is damaged, and a large amount of protein leaks from the glomerulus and is excreted in the urine, resulting in an abnormal increase in protein in the urine, increasing the surface tension of the urine, and eventually forming a layer of fine foam, and Stay for a long time.

Proteinuria is an important marker of kidney damage.

Physiological proteinuria: strenuous exercise, drinking less water, diet, etc. cause foam in the urine, which usually dissipates quickly.

2. Increased nocturia, often more than 2 times

Under normal circumstances, after falling asleep, the renal tubules reabsorb the original urine produced at night to avoid getting up at night and affecting sleep.

If the renal tubules are damaged and the reabsorption function is reduced, it will lead to a significant increase in nocturia, often more than 2 times, or nocturia often has an amount of one mineral water bottle (500 ml), or even more than the daytime urine output.

Note that morning urination and urination before going to bed do not count as nocturia.

Physiological excessive nocturia: Drinking too much water (or liquid) before going to bed, taking diuretics, eating too salty food, mental stress, insomnia, etc. lead to increased nocturia.

Other kidney diseases, heart disease, prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract infections, etc. can also cause increased nocturia.

In addition, feeling tired, blurry or deformed vision are also danger signs of diabetes kidney disease.

How can people with diabetes stay away from diabetes? Teach you 4 tricks!

1. Regular screening for kidney disease

Patients with type 1 diabetes usually develop glucokidney after 5 years, while patients with type 2 diabetes can have glucokidney at the time of diagnosis.

Therefore, patients with type 2 diabetes should be screened for kidney disease when diagnosed, and should be screened at least once a year thereafter, including urine routine.

  , Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio

  (UACR) and serum creatinine

  (calculate eGFR).

Patients with type 1 diabetes should be screened at least once a year 5 years after diagnosis.

2. Eat fish 2 to 3 times a week

You can eat fish 2 to 3 times a week

  , fish meat is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids

  . Try to use vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil and olive oil.

Studies have shown that foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 can reduce inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, protect renal function in diabetic patients, and reduce the occurrence of proteinuria.

Try to avoid eating foods rich in trans fatty acids, such as fried foods.

3. Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber

Eat more rich foods, such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, etc., include vegetables in every meal, and cook with less oil, less salt, and less sugar.

Dietary fiber helps protect the kidneys and delay the progression of kidney disease.

4. Exercise 150 minutes a week

Perform ≥150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. You can exercise 5 to 7 days per week for about 30 minutes each time. Avoid sitting for long periods of time.

The intensity and amount of exercise should be individualized and can be decided together with your doctor.

In addition, you must also control your blood sugar

  , blood pressure

  , blood lipids

  and weight

  , reduce the risk of diabetes kidney disease.

No matter how practical medical technology is, it is overridden by almost unlimited power.


On April 15, Xiao Zhao, a first-year girl at Baicheng Medical College in China, died of a heart attack during exercise. According to the revelations, the counselor involved, Song, was dissatisfied with the dead fish that Xiao Zhao sent after the Qingming Festival, and deliberately let him go out while sick. At the same time, some students from the school pointed out that after the incident, the school failed to provide timely and effective rescue, causing Xiao Zhao to miss the best opportunity for treatment. On the afternoon of the 15th, Xiao Zhao’s aunt, Ms. Wang, told the New Yellow River reporter that the content revealed by netizens was true. Xiao Zhao's aunt, Ms. Wang, told the New Yellow River reporter that in 2023, Xiao Zhao was admitted to Baicheng Medical College in Jilin Province, majoring in medical laboratory technology and serving as monitor. Ms. Wang said that Xiao Zhao suffered from congenital heart disease. When she entered military training in her freshman year, she provided relevant hospital certificates to the school and was approved to be exempted from participating in sports activities organized by the school. During the Qingming Festival this year, Xiao Zhao, under the suggestion of the counselor Song, spent more than 100 yuan to buy live fish for him. However, due to transportation problems, the fish was dead when it was delivered to the counselor. This caused Song's concern. Dissatisfied, Xiao Zhao's position as squad leader was subsequently revoked. "The teacher was very angry, embarrassing the child at every turn, saying that the child's (heart disease) certificate was false and he had to do morning exercises every day." At around 6 a.m. on April 12, Xiao Zhao and his classmates gathered on the playground for exercises. The girl suddenly suffered a heart attack. After the girl fainted, the counselor said she was pretending not to allow other students to save her. No one came to save her for 20 minutes after she fell to the ground, missing the best time for treatment. She was later sent to the hospital but could not be rescued. According to a student at the school, the entire playground was practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but in the end they were afraid to save people. And it's only 5 minutes away by car from Baicheng Central Hospital. Ironically, the school was identified as one of the second batch of national pilot schools for school first aid education just a few months ago. ——This counselor is clearly killing people! How can students serve as doctors who save lives and help the wounded if they are cold-blooded and bow to power?

China's large-scale crackdown on electric bicycles has led to the closure of many stores and the arrest of delivery boys!!!

 Many provinces and cities in China are launching large-scale special operations to investigate and rectify electric bicycles. In some areas, electric bicycle shops have closed down, and many delivery boys have been intercepted and arrested by the police on the streets. Public opinion is concerned about the Chinese Communist Party’s pretext for cracking down on electric vehicles, using clever excuses to make money with excessive fines.

On Sunday (April 14), news spread on the Internet that police in cities such as Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province suddenly mobilized to intercept electric bicycles on the streets or conduct door-to-door searches of stores selling or repairing electric bicycles, resulting in the closure of a large number of electric bicycle shops.

Some netizens in Dongguan posted complaints in online communities and said that they needed to buy or repair a car recently, but found that almost all electric bicycle shops in Dongguan were closed. They went to many places but did not see any shops open for business. Netizens were surprised and questioned "what's going on", "what's going on", "what's going on"?

Several short videos were uploaded on social media platforms, showing that Guangdong police deployed in large numbers to intercept passing electric bicycles on the street. When many delivery boys were intercepted, they were suppressed to the ground by the police and then forced into police cars to arrest them. Walk.

Recently, many provinces and cities in China have launched large-scale actions to rectify electric bicycles, claiming to conduct so-called "investigation and rectification of hidden quality and safety hazards" on electric bicycles and their accessories. However, these actions are actually initiated from the top down by the CCP authorities. of.

On April 12, the Standing Committee of the State Council of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to carry out the so-called "full-chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles." All parts of the country are required to carry out comprehensive rectification of the production, sales, use, parking, charging, scrap recycling and other aspects of electric bicycles to improve the so-called "safety level."

Publicly available information shows that Beijing, Shanghai, Anhui, Sichuan, Guangdong and other provinces and cities have launched relevant political actions since March this year.

According to news released by Guangdong’s official media account, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has inspected 571 businesses operating electric bicycles as of March 29 since it launched a special operation against electric bicycles. There are 4,183 electric bicycles with a value of 6.16 million yuan."

Among them, Nancheng Street in Dongguan City alone investigated and dealt with four electric bicycle shops on the grounds of "suspected illegal modification" and seized a batch of electric bicycles and tools.

According to the "Beijing Daily", Beijing's market supervision department recently launched a week-long special supervision and inspection to fully cover the quality and safety of electric bicycles and batteries. More than 2,000 electric bicycle business entities in Beijing were asked to write down "Resist illegal competition" "modification behavior" commitment letter.

Zhejiang Province announced that from March to the end of December 2024, it will focus on carrying out special rectification actions against the so-called "fire safety risks" of electric vehicles, and claimed to establish a "long-term management mechanism" by the end of December this year.

China is a major producer and consumer of electric bicycles, and electric bicycles have become an important means of transportation for short-distance travel in major, medium and small cities.

According to authoritative data, the total number of electric bicycles in China has reached 350 million, and in 2023, enterprises above designated size nationwide will produce a total of 42.28 million electric bicycles.

However, for a long time, local governments have not been committed to establishing a good mechanism for the balanced development of supervision and services. Instead, they have abused power and punishment under the pretext of safety issues and enriched the people, causing widespread complaints among the people.

The hardest hit area for additives in China: milk!!!!!!!!!!!!

 As a traditional nutritional product for strengthening the body, milk has always been loved by consumers, especially parents, because the main group of milk consumers is children. But what is unexpected is that milk has been classified as one of the hardest hit areas for additives in China. The following advice from a nutritional medicine and health professor may subvert your understanding.

Professor Guo, who has a background in nutritional medicine and health, said that milk is also a disaster area for additives. Her video directly exposes all the junk milk on the market: "These businesses really don't care about their conscience in order to make money. What I do is just." I am saving many children and families. As long as the words flavor and preparation are on the milk packaging, just throw it away. There should be only three words in the milk ingredient list, which is raw milk. Some businesses will play word games. , using the word "thick milk" to confuse people and make people think it is pure milk, and the price is not cheap. Consumers would not expect that such a big milk brand actually has mixed milk, which is single and diglycerin Z. An emulsifier, used for thickening, may also form trans fatty acids. Uninformed parents also use these dairy products as nutrition for their children. Today's primary school students have excessive antibiotics, even if they drink milk and some fast food. For example, fried chicken legs and wings are related. Another option to supplement protein for children is soy milk.”

Professor Zhao said that many additives are added to current milk. He once visited Heze, a large starch factory, and a big tower spraying water there. What was sprayed down? It's called non-dairy creamer. Just use hydrogenated oil spray, which is mixed with spices, and the color is yellow. So who ordered the goods? It was ordered by the largest dairy factory in Inner Mongolia to increase the viscosity of milk. Professor Zhao said that the reason why the milk from some factories is so fragrant is because milk essence is added to it. There are a lot of things added in the food industry now to change your taste.

The food safety problem of Chinese milk is very serious and has been around for a long time. The milk industry is shady. The melamine-tainted milk powder incident in 2008 used the chemical raw material melamine to falsely increase the protein content in milk, affecting nearly 30 million children. At least 6,000 infants and young children who consumed the milk powder were hospitalized with symptoms of poisoning such as kidney stones. Six infants and young children also died. The poisoned milk incident happened again in 2022. Propylene glycol, a commonly used additive, was found in Xinjiang's "Maiqier" brand pure milk. Chinese officials used selective information to try to describe a food safety incident as a simple "product failure." However, a clinical research review from Stanford University in the United States revealed that this low-toxic additive can cause poisoning in infants and young children.

After the melamine-tainted milk powder incident, some people in the industry who have been responsible for collecting loose milk at the grassroots level for a long time revealed that milk collection requires testing of specific gravity, protein, fat, and PH value, but this is not a problem for "smart" milk. Farmers. After the milk was mixed with water, the specific gravity changed. Dairy farmers mixed it with white powder used for painting walls to increase the solid weight. They did not dare to use melamine, so they used rice soup and tung oil to increase the protein and fat content. What’s worse is that cow urine is mixed in! Because fresh milk easily deteriorates and becomes sour, urea is an alkaline substance. After neutralizing the acid and alkali, the shelf life of fresh milk can be extended.

Another industry insider revealed that the "rich taste" of milk is also an important issue. It is said that dry matter in fresh milk only accounts for 12%, and 88% is water. It should only have a light fragrance when you drink it. If it tastes very fragrant, even better than the taste of fresh milk, and makes people feel more fragrant and rich, then the milk must have added flavors, thickeners, fats and other substances.

Professor Guo’s advice on how to buy milk is to first buy big brands, but expensive ones may not be good. There are only three words in the ingredient list to buy, and that is raw milk. In addition, milk is just a drink, and children should drink it in moderation.

Professor Zhao Lin, a nutrition and health education expert, has previously exposed the technology and ruthless work in mainland milk, which has caused many parents and netizens to express concerns about the quality and safety of dairy products. They all said: "It's okay if I don't know, but I don't dare to give it to my children after I find out"; "Milk! I love you so much that I don't dare to drink it!"; "Oh my God, what other food is safe in China!" ...

What is it about evil that makes us want to embrace it?

 As a conscientious person and a conscientious Chinese, do you feel disgusted?

Over the past few decades, some major events have often occurred in the world, especially those involving people or organizations in a certain country.

When protesting or overthrowing dictators, terrorist organizations and other evil organizations or individuals. Generally speaking

The voices of most people and countries in the world basically represent human justice, democracy and freedom.

These dictators and evil organizations or individuals are guilty of many crimes, full of evil, and deserve to die.

He is destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame by history, and will be spurned, reviled and cursed by future generations for generations to come.

But there is a country that always steps forward to support these evil people.

I support these people every time, even though every time they are disgraced, ridiculed, and despised, but

Every time they choose to embrace evil and go against the justice of the world, it is really shameful and disgusting!

From Romania’s Ceausescu, to Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad, North Korea’s Kim dynasty, and then

Mubarak, Hun Sen, Putin, Lukashenko, even the Taliban, Hamas...

We must support whatever the majority of the international community opposes, and we must embrace these evils.

Why do you think this is happening?

When discovered to be in uremia, it turns out that this is the most kidney-damaging thing!

 "Kidney damage can occur without you even realizing it. Some people go to the doctor for loss of appetite, anemia, or fatigue, only to find out they have late-stage uremia.

The kidneys are very delicate, and modern people's unhealthy lifestyles can easily lead to kidney damage. Here is a list of kidney-damaging behaviors that you may be doing in your daily life."

No. 1: Stay up late Yes, staying up late tops the list! In addition to damaging the liver, staying up late can also damage the kidneys. Adequate sleep can recharge one's energy and repair internal organs at the same time, so it is very necessary to ensure adequate sleep. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes adapting to the weather, and it is recommended to go to bed before 11pm! No. 2: Drug Abuse Some drugs, such as ibuprofen and other pain relievers, can cause serious kidney damage. People with clear risks of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease need to take aspirin, but they must pay attention to the dosage. 100 mg per day is enough. Do not increase the dosage without permission. People who need to take aspirin for a long time should regularly test urine routine and serum creatinine. No. 3: Folk remedies and health products Some health products so-called "supplementing protein powder to improve immunity" may lead to excessive protein intake and put a burden on the kidneys.

No. 4: Overworked

The first is physical exertion. Intensive work causes physical fatigue, which leads to symptoms of kidney deficiency. Secondly, there is stress. Huge work pressure and life pressure lead to the inability to relax, mental fatigue, and overthinking. Huangdi Neijing. Excessive use of the brain, the brain is the sea of marrow, and the kidneys govern the bones and produce marrow. When the brain is tired, it is easy to damage the kidneys.

No. 5: Too much sex

People say that alcohol and sex are harmful to the body. Frequent drinking and excessive sex are all kidney killers.

No. 6: Vigorous exercise

Being busy at work and not exercising for a long time, sudden strenuous exercise may cause excessive damage to your kidneys, which can lead to severe acute renal failure.

No. 7: Eating too much shabu-shabu

In autumn and winter, people like to eat hot pot the most, but eating too much shabu-shabu can damage the kidneys. Some commonly eaten foods in shabu-shabu are high in purine, and the soup of shabu-shabu is high in purine.

It is easy for everyone to overeat when making hot pot, which will overload the spleen and stomach and also increase the burden on the kidneys. Excessive intake of high-purine, high-fat, and high-calorie foods will tire your kidneys over time, no matter how good they are.

Eating too salty, too sweet, too oily, and eating too much protein will increase the burden on the kidneys.

No. 8: Seafood and Beer

Seafood is rich in the mineral zinc, which helps regulate the metabolism of male hormones and is known as an aphrodisiac. If you drink beer while eating seafood, it will damage your kidneys.

Seafood products are high-protein foods with high purine content. Beer can catalyze the production of uric acid from purine, leading to gout. Excessive uric acid will increase the burden on the kidneys and easily lead to hyperuricemia, even kidney stones and uremia.

Uremia and Foods to Limit....

 Uremia is the final stage of kidney failure, where the kidneys are unable to remove waste products and excess fluids from the body, leading to a buildup of toxins and complications. The prevalence of uremia has been increasing in recent years, placing a significant burden on patients and their families.

Dietary management plays a crucial role in the treatment of uremia. Patients with uremia should adhere to the following dietary principles:

  • Low-protein diet: Protein is an essential nutrient, but its breakdown products, such as urea nitrogen, can further strain the kidneys. Therefore, uremia patients should restrict protein intake based on their individual condition. Generally, a daily protein intake of 0.6-0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is recommended.

  • Low-phosphorus diet: Phosphorus is a vital component of bones, but excessive phosphorus levels can lead to hyperphosphatemia, causing vascular calcification, arrhythmias, and other complications. Hence, uremia patients should limit phosphorus intake. A daily phosphorus intake of 400-800 milligrams is generally recommended.

  • Low-potassium diet: Potassium is an important electrolyte, but elevated potassium levels can result in hyperkalemia, leading to muscle paralysis, arrhythmias, and even death. Therefore, uremia patients should restrict potassium intake. A daily potassium intake of less than 2000 milligrams is generally recommended.

  • Low-sodium diet: Sodium is an essential electrolyte, but excessive sodium intake can cause edema, hypertension, and other complications. Therefore, uremia patients should limit sodium intake. A daily sodium intake of less than 6 grams is generally recommended.

Uremia patients should minimize their consumption of the following foods:

  • High-protein foods: Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and legumes are all high-protein foods that should be limited in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-phosphorus foods: Animal organ meats, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and chocolate are all high-phosphorus foods that should be restricted in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-potassium foods: Bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and celery are all high-potassium foods that should be limited in the diet of uremia patients.

  • High-sodium foods: Pickles, cured meats, sausages, and canned foods are all high-sodium foods that should be restricted in the diet of uremia patients.

In addition to these dietary modifications, uremia patients should also consider the following:

  • Regular follow-ups: Uremia patients should undergo regular checkups to monitor their condition and adjust their dietary plan accordingly.

  • Maintaining a positive mindset: Uremia is a chronic disease, and patients should maintain a positive outlook and actively participate in their treatment.

20-year-old Japanese woman asked multiple people to assault her。。。。。。。。

A Japanese woman was dragged into a car by two "strange men" on her way to get off work, and they took turns raping her.

Seeing this, many people were very angry and accused the man of being worse than a beast.

However, as the police conducted an in-depth investigation, they discovered that something was fishy.

By comparing video surveillance, the police immediately identified the two suspects and interrogated them.

The next scene made people dumbfounded. The inside story exposed by the two men turned the incident around.

"The girl asked us to rape her."

"Although it felt baffling, we just did it because it was fun."

It turned out that the girl once posted on the Internet: "I hope someone will drive me away and rape me."

When the incident was discovered, even the police were shocked.

Just when everyone was puzzled by the girl's behavior, the girl confessed the reason:

"Because I don't want to go to work and arouse my boyfriend's concern."

How to get rid of a life where the busier you get, the poorer you get, and the poorer you get, the busier you get?

 Someone's life is getting worse and worse. Is it because he didn't do a good job?

Luotuo Xiangzi never understood until his death why he worked hard to pull a cart but could not earn a cart of his own.

In the end, he married Huniu and fell in love with a rich woman, who bought him a car.

Little did they know that Hu Niu ate too much and became too fat during pregnancy, which resulted in a difficult delivery.

After Huniu died, Xiangzi had to sell the car to pay for the funeral and other expenses.

Xiangzi, who did not smoke, drink, gamble, or have any bad habits, worked hard. He only focused on his car, but in the end he lost it. He tried his best to change the current situation of poverty...

Isn’t that true for many of us?

Some people work hard all their lives but never own a house of their own, and experts say they don't work hard enough.

Some people never get a wife in their life, and are ridiculed by others for not working hard enough.

Some people spend their whole lives driving screws in a car factory and never have a car of their own. Is this because he doesn't work hard enough?

Why do so many people fall into the trap of becoming busier as they get poorer, and getting poorer as they get busier?

After my thinking about this society, I summarized it as follows:

Before summarizing, let’s take “Camel Xiangzi” as an example.

Huniu lost her mother since she was a child and has been living with her father Liu Siye.

Fourth Master Liu is considered a figure in the capital. How did Fourth Master Liu make his fortune in the circumstances at that time?

It’s not hard work anyway.

It’s very clear in the book, so I won’t go into it here.

After Huniu marries him, Xiangzi can take advantage of Huniu's platform to rise from a coolie to a car dealership manager.

But Xiangzi thinks that this is a soft rice, and the waist is not straight. The problem is that you have married Huniu, and you have already put on the hat of a soft rice, so what do you care about?

Is face so important?

Hu Niu didn't buy your car for you.

Therefore, some people have been living in their own small world and wishful thinking.

This is the reason why the busier we are, the poorer we become.

How to get rid of the "poor and busy" life?

1. Think about yourself.

The old, stereotyped thinking must be changed. Empty out the old routine and embrace the new way of thinking, and you will be a new you.

2. Think about human nature.

Human nature is selfish, likes to take advantage, and often loses oneself and achieves others. Therefore, we must make use of people's hearts, start from altruism, and start from the present. Where the heart is, there is hope.

3. Think about society.

Remember a sentence: A man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat without night grass. The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. If you want to make a little money, learn from Xiangzi and pull a cart. If you want to make a lot of money, you must understand the overt and covert laws of society and the truth, and then bravely go for it.

When men take a shower, try to wash these two "places" as often as possible, which may make your body healthier.

 In daily life, bathing is one of the essential hygiene habits for everyone. However, many people may not realize that when taking a bath, especially men, it may be more beneficial to health to focus on cleaning certain parts while cleaning the body. This article will focus on two parts that men need to pay special attention to cleaning when taking a bath, they are the waist and ears.

................................................................. ................................................................. ............The first part: waist

The waist is an important part of the human body, connecting the upper and lower bodies. It also plays an important role in supporting the body and protecting internal organs. However, because the waist is located at the turning point of the human body, it is easy for sweat, sebum and bacteria to accumulate. If not cleaned in time, bacteria can easily breed, causing skin infection, pain and discomfort and other problems. In addition, not cleaning the waist for a long time may also affect the health of waist muscles and joints, increasing the risk of waist pain.

................................................................. ................................................................. ..... Therefore, it is recommended that men pay special attention to cleaning their waists when taking a bath. You can use warm water and an appropriate amount of shower gel to thoroughly clean the skin on your waist. Pay attention to scrubbing with your fingers to ensure that dirt and bacteria are completely removed. In addition, after taking a bath, dry your waist with a clean towel in time to avoid the chance of bacterial growth caused by residual moisture.

................................................................. ................................................................. ............Second part: ears

The ear is one of the sensory organs of the human body. It is not only responsible for the hearing function, but is also closely related to the balance function of the human body. However, many people often neglect to clean their ears when taking a bath, which leads to the accumulation of earwax and even causes ear infections, hearing loss and other problems.

In fact, although earwax is a natural protective substance, excessive earwax accumulation will not only affect hearing, but also easily breed bacteria and cause ear infections. Therefore, men should pay attention to cleaning their ears thoroughly when taking a bath. You can use cotton swabs to gently wipe the auricle and the opening of the external auditory canal, but do not insert the cotton swab deep into the ear canal to avoid damaging the internal tissues of the ear.

In addition, you can also use warm water and shower gel to clean the skin around the ears when taking a bath to ensure that the ears are clean and healthy. After taking a bath, remember to gently dry your ears with a clean towel to avoid moisture retention inside the ears.

 Generally speaking, men should pay attention to cleaning their waist and ears when taking a bath. This not only helps to keep the body clean and healthy, but also prevents some potential diseases. health problems. Therefore, I hope that every male friend can develop good bathing habits in daily life and maintain physical health and comfort.

55 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago.

 1. Get enough sleep

In our daily lives, many people have the habit of staying up late. Staying up late seems to be a common occurrence for everyone, but every time you stay up late is a challenge to your health, and every time you can't put down your mobile phone, it may be a threat to your life. Perfunctory.

Staying up late often can accelerate body aging, affect the repair of various organs and tissues, and increase body damage.

Therefore, for people, after the age of 55, you must not stay up late, and you must maintain adequate and regular sleep, which can more effectively enhance immunity and help repair damaged tissues and organs, so as to live a healthy and long life.

2. Regular physical examination

As age increases, especially after the age of 55, people's physical functions begin to gradually decline, and various chronic and basic diseases also occur.

At this time, it is particularly important to insist on physical examination. Through physical examination, physical problems can be detected early and effective treatment measures can be taken in time to prevent small problems from turning into big problems, thereby more effectively helping people maintain health and longevity.

At the same time, we should also avoid taboos about practicing medicine. Many elderly friends choose not to go for a physical examination because they are worried about what problems may occur during the examination, or are afraid of spending money. This approach is very wrong. If you refuse examination and treatment out of fear, your condition may worsen. , ultimately paying a higher price.

3. Eat regularly


Everyone has heard the saying "diseases come from the mouth". In fact, many diseases may indeed be caused by "eating".

Especially for the elderly, they must eat reasonably after the age of 55. Many elderly people are particularly afraid of the coming of chronic diseases. Many people even choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat in order to prevent the disease from coming. However, this behavior will It is easy to reduce immunity and is not conducive to personal health.

In terms of diet, it is recommended that everyone finally consume nutrients and not eat specific foods, nor be picky or picky eaters. This will easily reduce the intake of nutrients and ultimately lead to malnutrition, which is also detrimental to physical health.

4. Good mentality

According to relevant clinical studies, it is shown that the quality of emotions is closely related to the health of the body. When the body maintains a huge high-pressure state for a long time, it will easily lead to metabolic disorders and endocrine disruption. normal operation.

Clinical psychology believes that bad emotions will hinder emotional communication, bring chronic diseases to various tissues and organs of the body, and shorten life span.

Developing a good attitude also produces certain antibodies against pathogens produced by the body. A healthy and optimistic attitude can be more conducive to health care and longevity.

Best Photojournalism Award..2024

These abnormalities in the body indicate that your blood may be "bad"! If you don't take care of it before it's too late, you're going to get sick!

 Obviously everyone's body flows with blood, why some people don't get dizzy at the sight of blood and others get dizzy at the sight of it? Is this a disease?

 Why do people get dizzy? 

In fact, bloodsickness has little to do with blood itself. People who are bloodsick don't have problems with their blood; its essence is a phobia at the psychological level. Generally speaking, bloodsickness is the result of a combination of psychological and physiological factors.

From a psychological perspective, bloodsickness is a conscious activity of the cerebral cortex. After being exposed to blood, a person with bloodsickness will have his/her brain send out a command that prompts the secretion of relevant hormones to produce the symptoms of bloodsickness.

From the physiological mechanism, this manifestation is a shock symptom when the brain is partially ischemic due to strong mental stimulation caused by the high tension in the neurovascular system in the event of a sudden event - the "sight of blood" scenario.

When someone around the symptoms of bloodsickness, the patient should be moved to a safe environment, so that the patient to keep lying down, unbuttoned neck, to maintain the patient's breathing smoothly, at the same time should be gently patted on the patient's shoulder, and gently call the patient, usually a few minutes after the natural awakening.                 Protect your blood at all times "The Three Musketeers"

They are the hardest porters of the blood, working diligently every day, and they dare not slack off for a moment to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, and then send out the carbon dioxide produced by metabolism.

In red blood cells, there is an important protein called hemoglobin. Iron is an important raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin, if the body is deficient in iron for a long time, there will be a lack of raw materials for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which will affect the production and function of red blood cells, and cause anemia.

White blood cells can be said to be the body's defense against the virus, and when foreign enemies invade the body, it always rushes to the front line to fight.

There are also two teams of white blood cells - neutrophils and lymphocytes. They have a clear division of labor and a clear fighting strategy: neutrophils are responsible for attacking bacteria, while viruses are killed by lymphocytes. Once bacteria and viruses invade, they will engulf foreign bodies and produce antibodies to help the body defend against infection.

When we are injured and bleeding, platelets rush over to close the wound, and then the clotting factors stick to the platelets to "strengthen" the hemostatic effect.



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